February 16, 2010

Putter Up

Overheard last night at Hobby Lobby:

Kid: Mom, mom, can I have this?  PLEASE

Mom: No

Kid: Look mom, please? Please? PLEASE?

Mom: Okay, you see what this says? Silly Putty? Do you know what that means? Sticky putty.  No, you aren't getting this it will make a mess.

Kid: Mom

As they were leaving I notice the cashier putting the lady's items in her bag.  Yes, the silly putty was there.  Kids 1, Moms 0.

Making more resin molds, this time with the right stuff.  Amazing Mold Putty, hope it works as promised, amazingly.


  1. The stuff is pretty sweet! I've made at least a dozen molds and it flexes so removal of a cast piece is really easy!

  2. oh, great luck with this - looks incredible!

  3. I just bought some of this at a c moore! I was trying to find anything for making molds, and everything was out of stock for awhile. I hope it's amazing too ;-).

  4. Ah yes, the old "momcanIhave" ploy. Been there. Done that. Except with me, the score is usually reversed (okay, I gave in more when he was younger, but then again, he was cuter back then LOL!)

    Looks like you've got some great stuff "molding" there. Can't wait to see the results!

  5. I've used the amazing mold putty quite a bit. It works fine for most things. It's what I use when I gotta do it now but don't have my usual. I do prefer the 2 part silicone from Cool Tools. It is just a little more flexible when it is cured - so releases things with bitty undercuts easier.

  6. Yep! That's me at the store...kids begging for stuff and the battle ensues...I always lose

  7. Sign me up for the first key to come out of that mold. I don't even care what it looks like. I want it.
    Fascinating stuff this molding compound. Can't wait to see what happens...enjoy the day, dear!

  8. I have used it and it works great! Can't wait to see the finished beads.
