February 6, 2014

30 Words: Mindful

This moment.
The world falls away.

Quiet the mind.

No wishing for the future.
No longing for the past.

There is beauty and joy 
and infinite possibilities in the stillness.


The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Share your link with Erin at Treasures Found


  1. So beautiful, both the photo and the words. Funny how snow can make you just want to stand still and listen.

  2. I agree with Alice! Your words are inspiring.

  3. In the moment, that's the place to be, especially in a place like this full of beauty and wonder.

  4. Living in the moment. That is beautiful!

  5. Don't you just love the hush of a new snowfall? What beautiful words to inspire us all to stop and take in the moment we are in!

  6. Such a stark and powerfully symbolic image and words! The black marks agains the cold white!

  7. My favorite photo this week, so perfectly described.

  8. I am so gald you a lending you voice and vision to the 30 words! I t is so easy to get caught in the swift pace of busy-ness. Nature reminds us that good things come to those who wait.
    Thank you for joining the Challenge! Enjoy the day! Erin

  9. Your words combined with the picture said so much - thank you for sharing

  10. Your words combined with the picture said so much - thank you for sharing

  11. Your words combined with the picture said so much - thank you for sharing

  12. I get it! I love trees, bare of their leaves. This is a beautiful shot and your 30 words capture the scene beautifully.
