July 13, 2007

Bead Soup

Elaine Ray had written a great post on the ABS about Bead Soup and that reminded me that I had a heaping helping of Bead Soup to share with you from May!

For Bead Week, I had a few friends over for a Bead Soup Party. I told everyone to bring a strand of beads for the soup in teal, bronze or copper. They also brought focal beads, a clasp, spacers and beading materials to put together their bracelets.

We poured all the beads into a tray and took turns scooping out a spoonful until it was divided up. It was so much fun to see how each person handled the same beads.

(left to right) Juliet's 2 bracelets and my mom's design.

(right to left) Denise's, mine, Angela's bracelet, mom's & Juliet's are in the back.

I'm looking forward to the next bead party, now to just stop making beads long enough to schedule that!


  1. We had a great time didn't we!
    I can't wait to do it again next year.

  2. What a great idea. And the jewelry looks fabulous!

  3. it was sooo much fun! :)
    love seeing everybody's together, you really picked a gorgeous color palette.
