May 30, 2008

Prayer Beads

I reviewed a book on the Art Bead Scene called Bead One, Pray Too by Kimberly Winston.

Here are two examples of small Angelican Rosaries that I've created after being inspired by the ideas and thought process behind using beads for prayer. These are small strands of beads, 9" long and both are gifts for friends. They aren't worn, but used while meditating/praying.

This one starts off with a branch bead to remind my friend to leave the chaos/wilderness of the world and to enter into a time of prayer. The bird is used to remind her that if God cares for the birds of the field, he will provide for his children. I used stones as a symbol of our Creator's unending faithfulness to us and the glass as a reminder that life is fragile and precious. The wood beads are more personal as a reminder of the cross. This gift is for a friend who shares my same spiritual beliefs.

The next rosary is a friend who is more spiritual than religious and while we don't share beliefs, our connection to nature and things spiritual is shared. I know she likes to meditate and would enjoy the prayer beads for that purpose and to symbolize our friendship. I started this one with a piece of coral that I found on a recent trip we took to the beach. We both feel a strong connection to our spiritually when we are near water. I used a pearl for that same reason. The next bead is a disk bead, I used four disk beads to symbolize the elements of earth, water, air and fire. The amazonite beads seem heavenly to me and I wanted to use beads that came from the earth and were close to nature.

I enjoyed the book so much and can see many more creations from my bead table that hold special meaning for me and as gifts.


  1. I love the thought you put in the choice of each element, It makes those even more meaningful.
    These rosaries are exquisite, in many sense of the word. Held in the palm of a hand, no doubt they'll contribute to create a more serene atmosphere.

  2. The coral/meditation rosary is absolutely beautiful - and what a delightful gift for a friend! She must treasure it :)

  3. What beautiful pieces!...I see another book being added to my ever growing collection...what a wonderful idea....prayer is good!!..thanks for sharing...Melanie:)

  4. these are absolutely beautiful heather. what special creations. i hope you will offer some on etsy. =)

  5. Wow, Heather!!!! I am just so touched that I in any way inspired you to make something as beautiful as these prayer beads! I am just overwhelmed. I love the one with the coral! In Bead One, Pray Too, I talk about how the ocean is to me the most spiritual of places, so I think your friend is going to flip for these! I hope you will let us all know on your blog. Thank you so, so much for taking the time to review my book and for your lovely words.

  6. What a wonderful book! thank you so much for blogging about it or I would never have found it. Amazon UK don't have it yet but I put it on predorder :-)

  7. I love this design! Gives me ideas for one of my own... I have many shell and corral pieces.
