August 11, 2008

Shooting Stars and birthday S'mores!

Conversation from Friday:
Mom - Vangie, take off your bathing suit, we aren't going swimming today.
Vangie - No, I want to keep it on.
Mom - Go take it off kiddo, we aren't going to the pool.
Vangie - I want to wear it.
Mom - Why?
Vangie - It keeps my tan in place.

Alrighty then, who am I to argue with such logic?

Image removed pending publication.

Check out my party earrings that I'm wearing today? And why am I wearing party earrings, because it's my birthday!

And what a great start to my day. I counted up my etsy sales from this weekend, 54. Yep, 54. My shop is almost sold out. Craziness. So today I am filling orders.

Tonight will be birthday s'mores!

I took the day off yesterday and we went swimming/wading in the Guadalupe River and had a little picnic.

Now tonight, if you live away from the city lights you can watch the Perseids Meteor Show. During it's peak you can spot hundreds of shooting stars. The best time to see them is pre-dawn. I'll wake up early tomorrow to see if I can spot any, but I live in the city so I doubt it.

One year Jess worked until 11pm on my birthday. When he got home he told me to bundle up the kids so we could go for a drive. (they were 1 & 3 at the time.) We drove an hour to South Haven and laid on the beach for hours watching the stars and talking. Best birthday ever.

Okay, I'm off to work quickly so I can have fun for the rest of the day!


  1. Happy Birthday Heather. May today be another special day for you. I love the earrings you are wearing today. Congratulations on all the great etsy sales!

  2. Happy Birthday to you! I remembered before I read this!
    May your day be filled with joy and lots of pleasant suprises.
    How does it feel to finally be 21?
    I know I love being 39.........


  3. Happy Birthday Mamacita!
    Party like it's 1999!
    Raising my magarita glass to yours- *clink

  4. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  5. Happy, happy birthday! And congratulations on the sales!


  6. They say it's your birthday.... Happy birthday to you! Al la The Beatles! Have a happy!

  7. Have a great day! And do take a few minutes to rest!

  8. Happy Birthday, Heather! I hope you had a great one. Congrats on your AWESOME Etsy, that was amazing!

  9. Happy belated Birthday!
    Hope you had a fabulous day...but if you were wearing those could you not.
    Love them....great etsy sales BTW!!

  10. Happy belated Birthday Heather and those earrings are awesome!! I hope you had a wonderful day and that your tan is in place too.

  11. Happy Late Birthday Heather! Love those earrings - every day you wear them will be a party!

    - Elaine

  12. Happy Belated Birthday, Heather - May you have many many more, and feel never a day older.

  13. Happy belated!

    Were you actually able to see any of the meteors? I mixed up the dates and looked the night after instead. ):

    Your party earrings are gorgeous!

  14. awww happy (belated) birthday! those earrings are so fun and cute!! hope you had a wonderful day!

  15. The earrings are awesome!Love them & U.Gail
