October 29, 2008

Do Graphic Designers Do it Better?

I'm gearing up for the holiday season over here. Slowly rolling out my Christmas items on etsy. I have my holiday banner from last year that I will use again. I hired a designer to make a custom background for my blog. It was a small extravagance at $15. I had a vision in my head of what I wanted and knew that it would take me more hours than I had to figure it out, so it was money well spent. I will have it on my blog on Saturday. I'll wait until Halloween is over at least!
Is it worth it to hire a designer for your shop banner, blog, online ads?

I consider myself pretty good at photoshop. I create my own ads, I put together the Bead Cruise program each year, which is a mini-magazine, I do all my own photos, web design, etc. I also took a basic computer graphic design class in college. But that was back when we chiseled things out on stones. Even still, I think designers speak a different language, the secret language of fonts. They understand the power of branding. They know what catches the eye.

I keep thinking I want something that is a little more professional. It's hard for me to give up control and let someone else create a banner for my shop, blog or website. But I have a sneaky feeling that a designer could do a much better job than me.

And it's not that pricey. You can have banners done from $12-25 depending on what you are looking for. You can have a shop package created with a banner and avatar created just for you. You can have your whole blog template redone for $30-45. Or you can have online ads created if you are ready to buy ad space on blogs. Some designers do custom work, others have designs already created and add in your shop name/photos.

Here are some I've been looking at this week:

Aqua Poppy Designs - this is the designer who is working on my new background. She has free backgrounds you can use on your blog. No Easy Beads added one to her blog yesterday.

My Creative Paper - they offer some great deals on everything you could possible want designed for your business.
Jaime Beitler - I love her designs, these are all ready-made banners. Lorelei is using her cute little owl banner and graphics. It fits her to a T!

Thompson Designs - Both ready made and custom designs. I think this is my favorite one.


  1. I bought my banner as well, and I believe it was WELL worth it :)

  2. It's a shame, really, that (many of) the Graphic Designers selling on Etsy don't charge more for their time and talent. I've seen some very fresh and fantastic design from folks that could get so much more in a different environ. Not that I have an arm-and-a-leg to spend, either, but I understand the value of their training. ;0) Good post for thought...I need to update my banner and avatar for fall and winter soon!

    Tina Pfeiffer
    Pfeiffer Photos

  3. Oh great resource! I'm almost able to give up control, if I could only first figure out what I really want :)

    Can't wait to see the results!

  4. Interesting post - I think a designer can make a real difference to a blog or website if you are at the stage to be able to afford one. It's important to create the right impression, especially if you are selling online and often it's difficult to take that step back yourself, so getting someone else ideas on board can help.

    Love your beads and blog by the way - looking forward to seeing the new look!

    Best wishes
    -Gail X
