January 7, 2009

2009 Awaits...

I talked a little about New Year's goals/resolutions this weekend at the Art Bead Scene, stop by to read it and enter to win a free set of disk beads.

2008 was an awesome year.

It started out in New York in February when I won the Tomie DePaola Portfolio Award. The reward was a hefty gift certificate to Dick Blick, which I used to stock up my studio with printmaking and drawing supplies.

(Me & Tomie!)

Next in March, I had the best time of my life on the Bead Cruise. Loved every minute of that event. Great creative women to hang out with, pampered like a queen, a little adventure swimming with the sting rays. Perfect working vacation!

This summer I had my first necklace on a magazine cover. Spent 3 wonderful weeks in my home town and celebrated my 35th birthday!

The year ended with a bang and star, winning twice in the Bead Star competition.

All along my business has grown, new beads have sprung forth and designs keep coming.

For 2009 I have 2 resolutions. Take better care of myself and spend more time with my family and friends. Pretty simple, but things my workaholic brain struggles to accomplish. You know, sleep, eat real food, go for walks, spend more time with my kids, go on dates with my husband, meet for coffee with friends, call friends back on the phone, girls-night out, etc. I forget to do such things.

I also have goals for 2009. This year is going to be the year of the books. I've been working feverishly on samples for a jewelry design book. I'm determined to get this out to a publisher by the end of the month. How long can one sit on an idea and not finish a task! I seem to be going for some kind of record.

I've decided to pull back from submitting to magazines for a few months. I have designs in quite a few this coming year, including BeadStyle, Stringing and Bead Trends. I could have had a book finished if I complied all those projects!

The other books for 2009 are children's books. It's my dream to create books that children and families will cherish. This is a hard field to get into, but one I have been working steadily towards for many years. I'm ready and I'm the only one holding me back.

So that's it. This is my life: beads, bead cruise, art bead scene, jewelry book, kids books. In there is the mix of family, friends and some quiet time for me. How do I do it all?

Ha, don't even look at the pile of laundry in the corner, the suitcases yet to be unpacked, my christmas tree still up or the q-tip (it was a new one, nothing gross I promise!) I found mysterious suspended in mid-air in the corner near my vanity. Closer inspection revealed a cobweb holding it up. Hee, let's not mention that one again.


  1. I have never seen a Q-tip suspended in mid-air. Not only are you a workaholic...you are magic!! I love my manuscript bead "B"

  2. Did I tell you how proud I am of your accomplishments? The Tomie DePaola award, being a Bead Star and the magazine articles. I am a lucky Mom being able watch it all through the web.

  3. Cheers to you Heather! I hope 2009 is as completely rewarding and successful as 2008!

  4. What a wonderful post Heather. You are so energetic. I think you will have success with all your 2009 resolutions. And what great ones they are. I love your Van Gogh Irises necklace. loveley mix of colors.

  5. I did make everyone in my house look at the floating q-tip and said, "behold, the enchanted q-tip." We all got quite a laugh out of that one. And then I made the girls tidy up the bathroom, since they are the ones who were playing with said q-tips.

    Thanks Lorelei, I'm looking forward to an even better 2009 and wishing the same to all my beady friends!

    Thanks Mary, there is no shortage of ideas and plans in the humblebeads studio! thank goodness!

  6. Wow! I never knew your jewelry made it into the magazines! Congrats, that is huge!! I hope 2009 is even better for you.
