January 25, 2009

Over Exposed?

Just a quick post so you know I'm still alive. Buried under beads and a mile long to-do list, but still here. Working on Bead Cruise details and there are so many of them! Bead orders, new beads, book project directions and samples, dreaming of what I'd like to do for the rest of year and into next. My brain is about to explode. I better take a time out!
Can you believe I'm in all these magazines right now??? Crazy! I worked so hard last year submitting projects and now I'm working equally hard on my book proposal. It's coming along nicely, the projects are shaping up and I have this great thread that ties them all together. I wish I could just tell you all about it right now! I'll post more about Bead Style and Bead Trends later this week. Oh, they have some goodies!
Speaking of sharing good news, are you on my mailing list? You should be! I have two awesome free projects coming out soon for newsletter subscribers only. You don't want to miss it! I always try to include something to spark your creativity and inspire my readers. Sign up for my newsletter here: http://humblebeads.com/newsletter.html
Okay, I'm off to find some Motrin and bat my eyelashes at my husband to see if he'll run and get Chinese takeout. Probably not the best idea for dinner, but what the hay! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Congratulations Heather. You deserve Chinese take out for dinner.
    I am going to have to go and buy all four of those magazines!!

  2. I don't think you're over exposed, but I see you having to roll a lot of beads in your future! Any reason for Chinese works for me.

  3. Can't wait to see everything, Heather!! No such thing as overexposure, just overwhelmingly lovely work!
