February 27, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

I'm leaving for the airport in two hours. I'll be in New Orleans before noon! I didn't get everything done that was on my to-do list, but I know I have two eager helpers who will work for beads later today.

I won't be blogging while I'm away. Silly, since I just did the blogging interview in Stringing that says to blog every few days. I promise to share lots of photos and stories when I return on the 9th.

Until then, visit the Art Bead Scene for a daily dose of creativity!

(That's the cover of the Bead Cruise program this year.)


  1. You are so lucky! It's the sign of fame when you get to do something like this!

  2. The cover of the program is beautiful. You could hang that on your wall. Have a great trip!
    Jennifer Jangles
