May 21, 2009

Earth Angel

A few weeks ago I was playing with the brown lava beads that Rings & Things sent to their blog partners. I had picked up a strand at their show a few weeks before and was happy to have more. I have a free project on the Art Bead Scene featuring lava beads, you might want to check it out.

For this design I had a two-hole focal bead with an orchid. I thought the lava would pair nicely with unexpected texture and light color palette of muscovite and pinky/peach pearls.

The wing is Zoa Art, isn't it just amazing! Okay back to my marathon beadmaking.


  1. I like the texture of the lava beads with the combination of peach/peach pearls. The orchid is the perfect art bead to compliment the wing by Zoa art. Beautiful design!!

  2. There's nothing like lava! Since lava beads are such a unique texture, they really set off the other elements in your design. Nice result!


  3. I love those lava beads in that yummy chocolate brown color. Such a pretty palette...

    Enjoy the day!

  4. Lava is very cool. I am still looking at mine with all kinds of possibilities running through my mind. Hmmm...orchid beads? Are those something I've missed, or are you keeping them to yourself?

  5. I just love this! The textures, the colors and the interesting use of the focal bead-- all really work!

  6. Eveything blends so well together, good work, it's lovely!

  7. Great colors en fantastic design! Love it!

  8. This is a really nice design! :)

  9. thanks everyone! you guys are too sweet.

    Rosanne, the orchid beads are ones i've been keeping to myself for now. :)
