August 22, 2009

Fall, please!

We always want what we can't have! For me, I'd like a change of the seasons. The girls start back to school on Monday and find it hard to adjust when it still feels like the blazes of the summer sun will never fade. I have forgotten what cool and damp feel like.

School starting means I'm back to work full time. In honor of those who have been patiently waiting for me to open my website back up I'm offering 20% off your with discount code Aug09. (Not valid for orders already placed or my etsy shop.) Sale ends on Monday!

I'm off for a day of supply gathering, school supplies that is. Enjoy the weekend! Oh and I'd like to say a little prayer of thanks for school uniforms, they make life so much easier. Blander and uglier, but easier!


  1. Heather,
    These are so cute especially the little hedgehog. He's so sweet! Thanks for offering the 20% off. That's very nice of you. How long will you be offering the discount? Have a great weekend!

  2. These are so cute! I'm especially in love with the hedgehog bracelet! Super cute!

  3. So impossibly pretty and beautifully photographed! Welcome back! Enjoy the day! Erin

  4. My baby is in college and I miss those days shopping for supplies and new clothes. Very fond memories.
    Looks like hedgie got new digs. I especially like the clasp. Did you make it?

  5. Great jewelry and beads! Have a nice week//Eva

  6. stunningly beautiful, as usual! happy week!

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