January 27, 2010

Home so soon?

Bead Cruise 2010, you flew by way too fast. 

Dare I say, this was the best Bead Cruise yet!  I loved all the instructors.  They were so talented, generous and fun.  The ship was amazing.  Each port was beautiful.  We enjoyed beading, shopping, eating, laughing, laughing until we were crying.  There were celebrations, love you Sherry!  And adoration - congrats to the Design Contest winners!  We hardly slept, there was so much to do and see. 

But like the say on the islands, 'Leave only footprints, take only memories' - most of my memories were not caught on film.  I was surrounded by shutterbugs, so I will borrow from their photos and tell you more in the days to come.

The photos above: Coco Cay, St. Thomas, bead shop in St. Thomas.  Lunch, the market and the beautiful view all in St. Martin.


  1. oh stop! You are killing me! I am loving the colors and the cool waters and the even colder drinks! So glad you had a good time. So glad the instructors and other cruisers are now treasured friends. So hoping I will be there with you one day. Can't wait to see more beady goodness!
    Enjoy the day!

  2. WOW~ Great photos! You made me want to be there RIGHT NOW - especially since we are going to have below 0 wind chills tomorrow and Friday!

  3. I almost didn't look at the photos----jealous!!!!! I'm glad you had fun and can't wait to see the rest of the photos.

  4. It sounds like it was just wonderful! Glad you had a great time.

  5. how beautiful! i hope i can join you all on a bead cruise someday.

  6. So glad all of ya'll had fun!But,I'm glad you're back.
