March 12, 2010

Studio Tour Part 2

Here is a quick go around in my clean and organized creative space.  I have to type that just to make it feel real.  This place has been a scary mess for so long, I forgot I had hardwood floors!  I am ordering a cushion for my window seat.  Yes, the table skirt above is a cover up job for Jesse's junk under his desk.  I can lead a horse to water, but I can't make him organize. That's his corner behind my island.

On the other side of the window seat, a new book shelf that is filled with my art, craft and reference books and magazines.  And look, you see that empty stop? It's just begging for an oversized fluffy chair for day dreaming, isn't it?  I think so.  That's my next hunt.  Love the inspiration board and shelf.  A much needed item in any studio space.

Do you remember how this looked the other day?  No? Well scroll down to see the shameful mess!  Of course, sensible things like ironing the silk before I hang it up escapes me.  But I try.  This little skirt is not hiding a mess, just some ugly items that don't need to be on display, like stacks of printmaking materials and a few extra pasta machines.  Oh, look - I'm now a two oven bead studio, fancy I know.

And because I'm as much about the business as I am a creative, I have my little office on the other side of the studio.  The computer is a recent upgrade from my dino-bot, but as you can see it's not top of the line over here.  It works, the price was right (free) so what else can I ask for!

I made a necklace today and it was super easy to find everything and clean up when I was done.  My mom is here now, she is making a mess on my table.  I'm holding my tongue. And pawing through her beads when she's now looking.  We are having a super fun Rings & Things Bead Soup party tomorrow.  We'll share pics and maybe even a video on Monday!

Until then my friends, reap the benefits of my clean studio.  Here is a wonderful pile of disk beads that have been rustled up from all corners of the studio.  Any order from either my etsy shop or website will receive a set of 3 coordinating disk beads.  No discount code needed, any order placed until Midnight on Sunday will receive a free set!


  1. Your new clean studio looks marvelous. I only wish I could wave a magic wand and make mine look as nice. Someday...

  2. You are my idol.
    I want a clean studio space too. I am on my way...but it will be a long road.
    Have fun with your mom and beads! (Wish my mom and I liked the same things...)
    Enjoy the day!

  3. It looks great! Such a nice big space and what wonderful natural light - that's the one thing I wish I had more of. Have a great time with your mom and have fun at your bead soup party!

  4. Your space looks fantastic! And you sound totally energized by the new tidiness! I'm looking forward to moving this summer because it means another fresh start on organizing all my crafty goodness. Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks for sharing the photos of your studio overhaul. It is an inspiration. Quite a quick and amazing change.

  6. Wonderful stocked studio! Love it!!
