May 22, 2010

23 Days of Inspiration: Battle of the Flowers

I can't claim to completely comprehend the Battle of the Flowers Parade or the spectacle that is San Antonio's Fiesta - but it is inspiring!  The photo above is from Lanna DeLarosa.  All of the princesses and royal court of Fiesta that ride the floats in the parades wear crazy shoes under their gowns, as the drive by everyone shouts "Show us your shoes!" and I realize I will never understand this land called Texas.  They are crazy here.
But when in Rome!

No, I'm not running around showing off my bad taste in footwear.  But I did create a piece of jewelry inspired by San Antonio and the Battle of the Flowers parade for the next issue of Bead Style magazine.  (That's a sneak peek above.) It's an All Star issue where they asked their favorite designers to create a piece of jewelry inspired by their hometown.  It's was fun and I knew I would do something Fiesta related as soon as they asked.  I can't wait to see the issue which should be out soon!


  1. What pure fun!! Wish I had made my trip during that Fiesta! I loved San Antonio! Your necklace is lovely, I always like your color and texture combinations. Congrats on being chosen - I will be sure to pick up a copy of the Mag when it comes out!

  2. The parade sounds like fun. But I'm sorry to say that not even for a parade will I wear Crocs....

    That little sneak peek of your piece sure looks lovely. Can't wait to see the rest.

  3. I lived in Michigan as a middle schooler (dad was in the Army) and I found some Michigander customs a little odd as well, but it is beautiful all year round. We lived in Walled Lake and there were adventures around every corner. The trees were amazing!

  4. I miss that part of San Antonio...maybe someday I will be able to move back.

    Really looking forward to seeing the rest of your piece. You do great work!

