May 18, 2010

23 Days of Inspiration: Van Gogh

I fell in love with Van Gogh in high school.  Tortured artist, utterly unique, strange and socially awkward - what teenage girl wouldn't be all over that.  Seriously, I can still remember the joy of seeing his work in person for the first time.  I mean to think you can see and be just a few feet away from a painting that the real artist created, it blows my mind to grasp it. 

I really want to explore more of his paintings in my beads, but for now I keep coming up with new designs from my favorite, his Starry Night.  Katie Hacker sent me a few of her Katiedids to play with and I immediate thought - toggle! 


  1. I so love the colour in those toggles.

  2. There is nothing you do that I don't love and want immediately. And for the record? I feel the same way when I get to hold one of your pieces in my hands. I am humbled and awed by the fact that a real artist created these and that she trusted me enough to send them for me to touch and to use and to create with.

    Just beautiful.
    Enjoy the day!

  3. Wonderful film Heather! Thank you! I also fell in love with his art during the high school years. I held a lecture, my first one, about his art and his life when I was 16. Still have the notes from that ... His life story really touches me still. And gosh how he painted - it is so amazing. And no one did anything like that at the time, and hardly not nowadays either. He was an artistic genius. Lovely to be reminded by you. I can see his influence on your work in most of your pieces. I like that. Thanks again.

    P.s. My word verification for this post is "creep" .... Ehhh!?!?

  4. Very nice video, I always liked the Van Goghs use of colors and line. You reflected that beautifully in your new toggles!! Bravo. I have an accidental "Starry Night" photo transfer on Polymer clay I have yet to finish. You inspired me to finish it. I will post about it when I get it done. Love your work!!

  5. I share your fascination with Van Gogh. The first pair of glasses I got at age 9 I looked up in a tree and told my Mom "WOW! I can see each leaf!" And the first time I saw a Van Gogh painting I ran to her and said "This is what it looks like when I have my glasses off!" She cried. But it sparked a life long appreciation for his works. And your art is just as fascinating. Love seeing what you are creating and sharing with the world!

  6. I love this aspect of your work, Heather. That you can take something like an intense love for Van Gogh and create such beautiful beads from it is wonderful.

  7. Paintings can really be wonderful for inspiration in other arts. My students often like the idea of paints and poetry together. I love how you used them for jewelry component designing.

  8. So much beauty, thank you for the video and your beautiful beads. They are on my wish list.

  9. Where or where can I get one of those toggles?! Beautiful.

  10. thank you everyone for these very sweet comments. We all seem to be kindred spirits with Van Gogh!

    Courtney - I will have more them after Bead & Button later in June.
