June 3, 2010

23 Days of Inspiration: The Kiss

Who doesn't love Gustav Klimt's painting, The Kiss?  It's a masterpiece isn't it?  I tend to get wrapped up in the surface of the painting, the design.  It's beautiful in subject matter and the embrace, but what I found myself drawn to is the painstaking detail worked in the flowers and clothing of the couple. 

For the show I've been working on a series of beads inspired by his Birch Trees.  You can see the painting here.  The beads, you'll have to see them at Bead & Button or wait until I get back!


  1. Okay, on behalf of those of us who don't get to go to Bead & Button I say: "ARGGGH!" LOL. I bet the beads are phenomenal!

    I wasn't familiar with this painting, either, (not a big art buff) but I love the colors in it so thanks for sharing.

  2. This painting is such a classic...and your beads are really gorgeous!!

  3. I love these! Perfect interpretation.
