July 2, 2010

Inspired by Nature Series

I had such a great response to the 23 Days of Inspiration Series that I've decided to explore another Inspired by blog series. This one will be Inspired by the Seasons and for the next four weeks I'll take you through a month of jewelry and beads inspired by the changing beauty of nature.

Starting tomorrow I'll go through a week for each season, beginning with designs inspired by the summer.


  1. Beautiful! I look forward to this.

  2. Hi. My name is Sarah Brannon and I am a newcomer to the bead blogging world. I discovered your blog by reading about it in a recent magazine. I would be very grateful if you would promote my blog by leaving comments occassionally and maybe sharing it with other people as I will do for yours. P.S. I love the idea of themes for creating jewelry and might have to come up with some of my own!
