I want a twig ring for Christmas, which had me looking around on Etsy and sparked the idea for nest rings created from wire. Here I created them in copper and antiqued them. It took a few attempts before I came up with a design that I liked. My girls were smitten and that's always a good sign. This was my first attempt at rings, I finally had a chance to use my ring mandrel!
I love them too and will have to make one for myself after the show. I'm also thinking of some folks on my gift list who would like these. I'm so glad I have more girls in my family than guys!
A few in sterling silver.
Yep, my booth is going to be full of nests this weekend.
My twiggy wish list:
7. The Cord 8. Branch Ring
Heather, I love your twig rings! I like that they are not fussy, but still make a statement.
ReplyDeletelove the twig theme.
ReplyDeleteyour wire rings are fabulous.
TOTALLY digging these! Makes me think that I should resurrect my ring fetish. I have a lot of button rings. Maybe they should be for sale on Etsy, hmmmm? Size 8 would be just about right for that right hand bling ;-P When you have them in your shop you will let us know, right?
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the day!
Really love the rings!
Love the twig rings!