January 14, 2011

Etsy Advice

An old family friend emailed me today asking for advice on starting on Etsy and I thought I'd share my advice with you too.

The two most important things are learning to take amazing photos and listing new items in your shop frequently. I would plan to list 12-15 items one weekend to set up your shop and have a 'grand opening.' After that, listing at least something once a week is a good idea. (I would suggest everyday for bead or jewelry makers) It's really hard to sell from an empty shop, so make sure you have inventory to sell and get it listed as often as possible.

A street team would be helpful to someone new on etsy. I know there are teams for almost any medium, style and interest along with teams based on your city or state. I would join a local team first. A team is a group of shop owners that work together to promote each other, each team is different.

Check out the Etsy handbook for tons of great articles on everything you need to know about setting up and running an Etsy shop.

And subscribe to the Etsy Success newsletter, they always offer great information. They are doing a series on shop makeovers right now with lots of great photo tips and weekly assignments.

You don't need a website if you have a blog and an etsy shop. You can set up your blog as your website. If you don't have a blog, work on that too. You have to connect with the online creative community if you are going to sell online.

It is a lot of work to succeed selling online. Finding a niche in your medium will help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of success.

Good luck,


  1. Great post Heather. Perfect for Etsy newbies - and for some of us (slightly) older Etsians as well! :)

  2. Excellent info...thanks so much for your efforts!!

  3. Thanks Heather, great advise. My biggest challenge is taking good photos. Hugs, Diane

  4. Great timing on this post. Thank you!

  5. Thanks, Heather. I just re-opened my etsy shop from a couple of years ago and now I need to think about my blog as a place for beads and not stories of my crazy relatives.

  6. Great post Heather - thanks. I did have an Etsy shop for a bit but it never got off the ground and is now empty. I may open it again....such a hard market to crack though! And when my job as a singer already involves putting yourself on the line, it's hard to think of doing that for 'fun'...however, I may try again this year at some point....Thanks!

  7. Great advice! I belong to the Cleveland Handmade Team and it has been really helpful to me. I think finding a local team, especially when your new, is the way to go.
