February 10, 2011

Pantone Fall Color Report

The Pantone's Color Report always makes my creative nose twitch.  I just saw this today, thanks to Vintaj on twitter.  

I'm seriously crushing on every color - except honeysuckle, I'm not buying it for more than the smallest of accents.  Oh, I need a few extra hours to play with colors.  I would love to mix these up for a series of beads.  Maybe my Bead of the Month club folks will get something inspired by a few of these colors.  Yep, that's what I'm thinking.

I'm having a hard time picking a favorite - I think it's the Orchid Hush, it's reminds me of these October Sky beads that I made last year:

What's your favorite color from the Pantone Fall palette?


  1. Those colors are great! I really love them. I'm not a pink girl in general but maybe that honeysuckle can be used just sparingly. The cedar, phlox and deep teal are my favorites. Thanks for sharing.

  2. They all make my nose twitch...I am working on revamping my website, and I am liking cedar, deep teal and coffee liqueur together!

  3. I'm digging that teal- in fact I like the cedar and coffee liqueur next to it, which is a little unexpected for me. The people that name these colors are so creative, aren't they? And by the way, the "October Sky" beads you made...oh-my-gorgeous, Heather!

  4. i kind of like them all. i don't like pink either, but i do like it with orange. so i'm kind of digging the honeysuckle right next to the emberglow. i like sherbet-flavored pieces, esp. with a nice dark brown brass. love that orchid crush--it's a kind of periwinkle, which i adore. my set of humblebeads spacers (which i am (hoarding) is periwinkle and brown with white. love them! (i think i got some inspiration for them today...) to pick a fave...hmm...i'm thinking the orchid too. this is fun to look at, to mix and match.

  5. I'm kinda groovin' on the bamboo, although the phlox and cedar together are quite yummy.

  6. coffee liqueur followed by nougat, cedar and quarry... i have a hard time picking favorites... the right side of it reminds me so much of your work already...

  7. teal coffee and nougat. love that combo. i am with you on the honeysuckle. just too darn pepto for me.
    enjoy the day!
    p.s. hell to the yes! practice those color combos on us botmc members! i am always open to new ideas!

  8. Definitely deep teal . . . hmmm, don't I have some beads of yours in that color already? :)

  9. Absolutely Deep Teal....I don't like Bamboo though! Not my shade - I'm not a mustard girl. But the rest....gorgeous, especially in combination. Deep teal and Coffee Liqueur....mmmhhh

  10. it's between bamboo & emberrglow, but then those are two of my favorite combinations. Love the deep teal & coffee licquer too. Not too keen on the orchid hush


  11. bamboo, teal ,emberglow , cedar, and quarry are my favs...they can keep that Honeysuckle ..it's not for me.

  12. I think deep teal and cedar. Looks like fun, playing with all the colors.

  13. Honeysuckle is Pantone's color of the year. I actually really like the color, but would only use it in small doses. My favorites are the orchid blush and phlox, but I like them all. I love color!

  14. Most of them aren't bad!

    I particularly like the deep teal, the cedar and the coffee liqueur but they're all usable colours!

  15. Yes I'm loving the Quarry too!... and that nougat is reminding me of your sunset willows!

  16. My favorites are honeysuckle, deep teal and coffee liqueur. I would like to see a combo of the coffee and teal in a humblebead. Very pretty!!

  17. OBSESSED with bamboo!! Here are some finds to assimilate the trend into your closet before Fall: http://beworthy.wordpress.com/2011/08/07/fall-color-trend-bamboo/

