March 11, 2011

Bead Cruise Countdown

16 days until I set sail for Bead Cruise 2011!

I'm trying to be reasonable about my to do list for the next two weeks.

Things I keep reminding myself:

1. I only have two hands.
2. I will get everything done in the time allotted. 
3. Whatever I make, it will be enough.
4. Most importantly, I must take time off to spend with my family, no matter how long that list is.

Hmm, these are actually reminders for myself no matter what deadline is on the horizon.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I love those urchin beads Heather. An excellent to do list, i could do with applying a few of those in my daily life

  2. Lovely beads Heather! What great words to remember when we're feeling crunched for time or up against a deadline.

    I know you'll have a blast on the cruise, and I can't wait to hear about it when you get back.

    Safe travels!

  3. Saying it and doing it are two completely different things, aren't they? I would also say to take some time to breath. You will have a wonder filled time on the cruise! Enjoy the day, Heather!
