June 13, 2011


What an amazing show.  I had the best time this year.  I was able to meet so many wonderful people.  I'm always so thankful for those who visit with me at the show and indulge in their art bead fix at my table!  I love the thoughtfulness of Humblebead fans who bring in their jewelry to show me how they used the beads they bought the previous year.  It really touches my heart that you took the time to share your creations with me.

I'm so thankful for this community - for the amazing beadmakers, creative designers and those companies that support the handcrafted mission of using art beads with their products. So very, very thankful for the friendships forged over the years and for new connections made with beady friends.

The show always whizzes by way before I'm ready for it to end.  There were people I wish I could have visited with more and others I didn't get a chance to meet.  I find I just didn't have a very high energy level this year.  I think 24 hours in the car driving up didn't help!  So now I'm taking a week off to spend with my family, regroup and have some fun.  I will share more goodies later and I have more updates to share on the Art Bead Scene about the show.  

There are crazy days ahead and this will be a very memorable summer - I couldn't have asked for a better kick off to the season! 

My cup overfloweth...that's how I feel today.


  1. Heather, it was my pleasure meeting you and your Aunt over the weekend! And what a treat to see your collection of beads all together in one place - oh so beautiful!
    AND....so exciting to finally see the fantastic cover of your new book!

  2. Heather,
    It was good seeing you and your Aunt again.
    Love my cardinals and raven ~ now to execute the design rolling in my head.
    Have fun with your family and enjoy some well deserved rest!

  3. Heather, enjoy your much deserved time off with your family.

  4. Gorgeous displays!!!
    Glad you had a wonderful time : )

  5. Your booth looked amazing. I am very happy I was able to stop and say hi, wish I could of stayed for Saturday's adventures though. Humblebeads is always on my stop at the B&B Show, one of the best vendors!

  6. wonderful Heather, your booth looks so welcoming, lovely

  7. Enjoy your sated state! Your display is fabulous so I'm sure you had much success.
    Take care!

  8. Oh EEK, a 24 hour drive???? I would be comatose the entire show. But I never would have known your energy was down when I met you!

  9. Your booth setup was gorgeous! Hope it was a huge success for you, and enjoy the time off to fill your creative well again!

  10. Heather it was lovely to meet you and your booth was gorgeous. I loved everything! Enjoy your time off with your family.

  11. Heather--you inspire all of us with your love of creating and your booth at B&B was a reflection of your caring heart. Glad you had a good time. Rest for awhile and we will wait for the next wave of awesome beads coming from you.

  12. Your beads are wonderful and unique, so glad you have the opportunity to share them with so many people. You worked so hard to get ready for this I hope you enjoy your week off and recharge. Thanks for sharing your pictures and experiences, I have not attended a bead show yet. Someday ...,
