June 26, 2011

Inspired By: Willow Challenge

Do you know my book is coming out September 13th?  That will be here so quickly!  Right before I left for Bead & Button I got to see the preview.  I cried.  It's so beautiful.  Like, "right out of my imagination, just like I dreamt it" beautiful.  I can't wait to hold it in my hands.  My poor family - the embarrassment they will have to suffer whenever I see the book in a store.  I will be shameless. 
So my awesome book is all about inspiration from nature and one of my missions in life is to help inspire those on their creative journey.  So from now until the book release I'm going to have a weekly challenge. 

You have one week to complete a piece of jewelry inspired by the weekly theme.  Anything goes, it can include Humblebeads or not, art beads or whatever you have in your stash.  It's up to you and however the inspiration strikes you for that week.  To enter add your photo to the Inspired By Nature Jewelry Challenge Flickr group.  Every Monday I will draw one random winner from the week's entries and feature them here on my blog.

This week's prize: a Round Willow Pendant in navy!

Here are a few jewelry creations that I love that fit this week's challenge:

 Bittersweet by Erin Prais-Hintz

Birds & Bees by Kristy Carroll Abner

Meandering by Cindy Gimbrone

I have decided to offer signed copies of the book and my bead featured on the cover. You can pre-order your copy here

Now hurry off and dream up something wonderful and willow-y!


  1. Beautiful pictures and interesting blog...
    -Eva Maria

  2. congratulations on the upcoming book..can't wait to see it..
    the challange sounds fun too

  3. P.S. I have had the privilege of seeing the book proof and I agree... it is amazing! I think I may have wept a little bit at the sheer beauty of it all. You will not be disappointed! And I can't wait to have this book in a place of honor on my shelf!

  4. How exciting. It sounds like a really cool subject for a book. Looking forward to it.

  5. I will be shameless also, only I will carry your book in my handbag. Pulling it out to share with everyone I encounter proclaiming how proud I am of Heather Powers my daughter the author of this awesome book of inspiration of her designs.

  6. What a lovely idea for a challenge and congratulations on the book Heather.

  7. Congratulations Heather, the book cover is gorgeous! You must be so excited! and I see you have a very proud Mamma! :-)

  8. I have already pre-ordered a copy. Can't wait to see it. I just happen to have a pussy willow pendant around. Hope I can participate. I am doing my first craft show in 2 years on Friday, so have had to forgo the Muffin Tin challege even though it is sitting on my bead table half full. Love the idea so much I am participating vicariously. One of my problems is that I fill up a tin and then make something entirely different. So how does that happen? Anyway, I love love all of your challenges. Can't wait to see what folks make.

  9. Oh - I can't wait!!! Will be pre-ordering it too! I look to nature whenever I need inspiration…

  10. What a great idea about the challenges. I'm always up for a challenge and the theme -- willows are just so pretty and sweet (and your willow pendants are too, they've been on my wishlist for a long time now).

    The book looks very nice and I can't wait to see more of it.

  11. I cant wait to see your Book!!!

  12. I have the book preordered too, really looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll participate with the challenge.

  13. You are very inspiring, my dear! I am so thrilled to have found you. I'm so excited for you and your book! I am thinkin' I need a signed copy. I am putting the jewelry pliers down for a bit to pick up the paint brushes... but I will be looking at these challenges, and may be incoporating a few inspirations here and there into my painting!

  14. I don't know which one I like better!

  15. Heather, I love your idea for this challenge! That willow pendant is really beautiful, too. I just can't do the challenge this week, I'm weeks behind getting ready for 2 flea markets and 2 galleries next week! And I have such wonderful memories of a huge willow tree in the yard when I was a kid. I had my swing there and a playhouse that my Dad built for me with mink boxes. But thanks for bringing back that memory today!

  16. Excellent idea. I know I won't be able to do it every week,but it's a nice thought. Very excited about your book.

  17. Your book looks beautiful, Heather! Congratulations!

  18. So happy about your upcoming book, you truly do inspire me to look at nature differently and I love your work. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in yet another challenge. I will try to make something in time.

  19. I loved this challenge. The bracelet I created was very simple to represent a simple time when willows were very much a part of my life.
    Here's my blogpost:

  20. Awesome stuff! Congrats on the upcoming book. I can't wait to get my order and start playing!! Here's my challenge post.


  21. Thanks for sponsoring this cool contest. Your book looks great!
