July 13, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday - Quick, get me to the beach!

I had to double check - is today really Wednesday?  I'm still not convinced!  Days are flying by as my to-do list is being whittled away.  There isn't much on my bead table today, aside from the same ol' pile of awesome.  I have been busy working away - but it's on secret book proposal projects that won't be shown for many a moon.  One thing that is hanging out in the photography area are these awesome urchins that I just put up on my website.  I had to photograph and list them today because they are little stars.

Yep, famous before they even hit the streets.  I created these for a project earlier this year for Interweave's Everyday Bracelets emag.  I puffy heart Interweave's emags.  They are not just some stuffy boring pdf download.  Oh no Ms. Interactive - they wow us with videos, cool links and good tricks.  It's so much fun going through and it's rocking quite a collection of innovative bracelet designs from some of today's top designers.

I will also share this necklace I have hanging on a board near my work area.  It reminds me of walking on the beach, collecting bits of driftwood, tiny rocks and searching for the ever-elusive piece of beach glass.  Many an hour was whittled away on the shores of Lake Michigan hunting for treasures.  I'm totally counting down the days until my Bead Retreat.  I'm in serious need of a beach - stat!

So that is what's happening on and around my Bead Table - how is your little corner of the creative world looking today?  Add your photo to the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group and connect with other bead obsessed folks from around the world!

There are still a few rooms at the Beach House - but hurry, spaces are filling up!

I've also added some transportation options for those flying into Grand Rapids, hopefully that will make your travel plans a little easier for those who aren't driving to South Haven.
Read about the travel details here.


  1. "I puffy heart Interweave's emags." This cracked me up! I am off to go check out what deserves such puffy hearts ;)

    Love the urchins!

  2. I was just thinking the same. These are really Beautiful Urchins!
