July 7, 2011

Join me for my Inspired by Nature Retreat

(Photo credit: adapted from Andrew R. Whalley via the Creative Commons on Flickr.)

What is a retreat but an invitation to walk with the instructor on a creative journey?  To open your eyes to the possibilities around you, to learn to trust in your artistic instincts with the encouragement of your fellow travelers.  The instructor offers new insights into both the minute and vast beauty in nature, leading you to come up with new ways to translate that experience into something tangible.

And whether you feel like an artist or not, you are given the skills to express your vision into an object. By the time you leave the retreat you are renewed and energized, ready to return home with a deeper understanding of yourself and your creative process.

(Photo credit: Christina Harrison via Flickr)

I was talking to someone yesterday about my retreat and realized that creativity without any kind of boundaries or safety net can be scary for some.  I'm a "let's-dive-in-there-and-see-what-we-can-come-up-with"  kind of girl myself so I hadn't thought of that before.  The classes and structured lessons make the process less intimidating.  You don't have to be an artist to enjoy my retreat, but hopefully you'll feel like one by the time you leave.

Creativity is the willingness to take risks.  Artists realize there are no mistakes, only learning opportunities.  It's part of the process. 

So I invite you to go on a creative journey with me for 3 days.  It will be a safe place to try new things.  We will play with resin, seed beads and wire, we'll study color, texture, and the design lessons in nature.  We'll have fun making jewelry together. We'll walk on sandy beaches, explore the delights of the garden and visit the still quiet of the forest. 

Visit the site to learn more about my Inspired by Nature Retreat and celebrate the release of my book with me!


  1. What a wonderful weekend you have planned! I'd love to attend, but alas... our finances will not allow for travel at this time.

    My Grandmother (as a teenager) was a nanny in one of the beach 'cottages' as she called them. When I went with her to visit South Haven in the twilight years of her life, I was surprised to find that the "cottage" was a fabulous Victorian style mansion. South Haven is a wonderful little town, I know you will have a wonderful weekend! Cheers!

  2. I am discussing this with the family this weekend. While they are trapped in the car with me. I will keep driving until they tell me it is okay for me to go. Because you know that there is not much that could prevent me from being there. Bead slumber party with you and Roseanne? Uh, hello!? That is a no-brainer! I have wanted that for years now!
    Enjoy the day!

  3. Lori when I was growing up I always wondered who lived in those amazing homes in South Haven. I now know they are mostly vacation homes and rentals!

    Erin I can't wait!!! You are so sweet to even ask your family. I usually just tell me troops - "hey guess what I'm going to do!"

  4. I'm hoppin' it'll work out that I can be there!

  5. I hope so too Sandy - I would love to see you again!

  6. Oh how I wish I did not live 10 hours away. It sounds and looks amazing.
