August 23, 2011

Zen Garden Winner

The winner for Inspired by Zen Gardens challenge is Bay Moon Design

You can see another view of the necklace here and more of Kathy's work in her Etsy shop.

The winner was chosen by random from the all the entries. 

Kathy mixed in a collection of garden inspired charm with a zen charm, laquered beads and a fun bead she made from blue jeans, that reminded her of her time in the garden.
She won two sets of my Random Acts of Beadiness Disks!


  1. Congratulations Kathy! What a gorgeous necklace.

    I'm working on my 'Urchins' piece right now but it is NOT cooperating!

  2. I am so excited! I love Heather's beads!!! I love this contest. It has really inspired me to go outside my box. I have to say I was pretty pleased with this necklace.

