May 23, 2012

Etsy Success - 4000 Sales!

I took a little break from Etsy last week as we stock piled beads.  In the midst of handing a little family crisis, I didn't realize the milestone that had passed.  My 4000th sale.

So how does one get 4000 sales on Etsy?

1. Create a unique product. Not easy, I know - but trust your gut, do some research and find what makes your muse sing and dance.  That is where your success lies.

2. Create new products often, expanding your line.  I try to offer new beads every month. 

3. Offer a variety of price points.

4. Advertise outside of Etsy. For me that includes blogging, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, getting published in magazines and keeping up with an email mailing list/newsletter.

5. Connect with people on Etsy - friends, teams and circles are good.

6. Take the very best photos you can.  (This is actually the best selling tip and should be the second thing you do, first thing is #1.)

7. It's easier to sell the same thing over and over - production can be your friend if you can handle the mundane task of making the same thing 200 times.  Of course, it beats the mundane task of asking "Do you want fries with that?"  "Paper or plastic" or "Do I email the report or fax it to you?"

8. Create a series and up sell.  I create beads that go together: accents with focals, earring beads that go with pendants, etc.  I arrange my shop to inspire shopping for more than one item.

9. Get help.  I have a full time helper, my husband.  I couldn't handle my Etsy shop by myself.  Teenagers, collage kids, a lonely neighbor can all make great part-time help. Think through your process, what parts can someone else do that would free up your time? My husband drills beads, paints, sands, prints things out and packages orders.

10. School yourself - Etsy actually gives you all the tools and tips you need to succeed.  So spend some time each week learning the ins and outs of making your shop the best it can be. Check out the Etsy Seller Handbook.

Thank you to everyone who supports me.  I couldn't do this without you!  

Along with Etsy, I have my own website and suggest the same for anyone serious about their business.  Etsy is a tool, a platform and one egg in a large basket.


  1. YOU ARE MY (S)HERO! I am in awe of all you do. I know that it is a lot of work, but you have a great system, unique product, a killer sense of color and an amazing marketing mind! I just like to sit in your presence and soak it up hoping it will rub off on me. I particularly like #7 (working on that) and #9 (I need that!). Congratulations on your much deserved success! Can't wait to see you and give you a hug in person!

    Enjoy the day.
    Erin xxoo

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! and thanks for the great advice!

  3. Wow congratulations Heather, what a mile stone. You are very inspiring, I hope to be at that point one day, Oh I hope, I hope

  4. Inspiring indeed!! Congrats on your well deserved success & thanks for the valuable tips! ;)

  5. Congratulations Heather!!
    You are a wonderful inspiration. Thank you for sharing all your beady business wisdom.
    Look forward to seeing you at B&B.

  6. I'm so happy for you Heather! You did it the old-fashioned way, you earned it! Those are such helpful tips. You're so organized, and you have a helper/husband, double blessings!

  7. That is very inspiring. You seem to do most all of that and you are a great inspiration. It is hard to juggle all of it and to accomplish the sales like that is hope for us all. Congrats!! Cherrie

  8. That's fantastic Heather - congratulations!
    Great tips too - the one I need to work on most is no.9!!

  9. Congratulations and thanks for the advice! The last question of #7 hits home hard!

  10. Congratulations! Great tips for the rest of us too. Its wonderful that you have full time help, congratulations to him too!
