August 18, 2012

Pity Party Day 2 - Inspiration Adventure

 (Click here is you are looking for this weekend's discount codes)

Today we aren't going to sit on the computer and look longingly at photos from Bead Fest posted by our friends on Facebook.  Oh no, it's time to get out of the house and find something to inspire you.  You can go to a farmer's market, craft show, festival, museum, gallery, bead store, antique store, book store, walk in the park - whatever you can fit into your weekend that will inspire you. Stuck at home? Talk a walk in your neighborhood with your camera and go on a color hunt, snapping photos of things you find interesting. 

I'm planning to attend a Fiber Fest here in West Michigan.  I'm a little obsessed with felt lately and will be teaching a needle felting and bead embroidery class at my upcoming retreat.  Check out my Wool Pinterest board to see what has my creative wheels spinning.

Share photos from your adventure on your blog or the Creative Bead Chat facebook page.

So, here is your second chance to win a $25 gift certificate from  (Yes you can win more than one, so enter, enter, enter.) Today leave a comment and tell me what you did or plan to do for your adventure.  Earn another entry if you share my Retreat Link on twitter or Facebook.  You have until Sunday to enter, leave a comment to let me know you shared the link.  I will draw the winners on Monday morning. 


  1. Mom and I plan on going down to the Farmer's Market this morning. I think there is also a festival going on downtown today too. We also had a new artist shop open downtown that I really want to check out - of course mom doesn't know it yet ;) have food at your Fiber Fest!

  2. Today I am teaching a beginners beading class workshop - a full day of meeting new students, creating familiar designs to me, new to them. I am ALWAYS inspired by the wonderful colours and styles which my students choose, making pieces which I think I have seen every possible version of but I never have! Then I will walk home through the university area of Manchester - dead in the summer - but I'm going to try instagramming a few things on the way home - these places always look different when there are no people about.

  3. The family and I are going on a nature walk on the family land (180 acres) with my MIL! We need to check to see how are trees are doing that were planted this spring! This land is so special to us since it has been in our family for over 150 years!

  4. I drove from Atlanta to Nashville (almost that far) and gazed on some beautiful scenery -- lush green hills & rolling pastures dotted with cows and horses. The greens were offset by wonderful grey storm clouds and for a few minutes beautiful salmon/pink sunset.
    Ruth R

  5. Welllll........since I usually work every blasted weekend of the summer and Friday nights are exhausting, I usually spend Saturday reading until I have to go to work. BUT, you and Erin have inspired me to get out of the house and go somewhere. I'm going to get off this computer and go to the Wegerzhen Gardens and wander around, walk the covered bridge through the woods before lunch and then go to work. If my feet hurt tonight, I will blame you girls. (that's my PITIFUL party)!

  6. Heather, if you're inspired by felt, come back and see my BSBP post next week as it is ALL about felt! As for me, hoping to go out to the country tomorrow :-)

  7. Today we are traveling through the wine country. The vines are gorgeous and the grapes are ready for harvest next month. I love to take pictues of the sunlight on the leaves and then compare that picture to the ones I'll take in October. The vineyards in Fall are so beautiful. We don't have Fall colors in CA like back east, but the changing of the leaf colors in the vineyards is something to behold.

  8. Arts festival for inspiration! Then a little beading activity...haven't done much lately.

  9. I'm afraid that it's not something unique to this weekend, but I went to our local Farmers Market this morning. We go every week & get as much of our fresh produce as we can.

    Right now I'm thinking of fuzzy, soft peaches which is making me think of a design with creamy silk cord & light colored red agate.


  10. I work all weekend, so I had my 'weekend' on Thursday and Friday :) Thursday I spent the day with my parents dogs, walking through their little nature trails and around their ponds, taking pictures and watching the dogs chase after frogs :)

  11. Today I am cleaning & taking care of dogs. Later I need to head downstairs & clean my studio as my friend Bad Liz is coming this coming week for a fun weekend with Marcia DeCoster. So I guess cleaning up a messy studio can be an adventure as who knows what I'll find

    And the retreat is sooo tempting. I am changing shifts so I need to see when I'll be off. I know you have a limited number of folks attending so I'll find out when I got back Tuesday to see if I can get that weekend off.

  12. Today I was really inspired by your jewelry, Heather! I absolutely loved the clay feather on your True North necklace! I had to get some work done and although my pieces looked very different than yours, it was your work that got my wheels turning! Thank you!

  13. Should have gone to Beadfest. Went to a "family Market" event for Small Shop Entrepreneurs, thinking if I can't buy anything, I might as well make some money. Like I said should have gone to Beadfest. Oh Well!

  14. I just got back from the Bead show in San Antonio and got lots of inspiration just from all the different beads and sellers there. One in particular does wire crochet. Then I got your book Designs in Nature and got more inspiration. Now I just need to sit down with my stash and see what happens.

  15. Just tweeted about your retreat.

  16. Sharing your "retreat link on my FB page and tweeting it also.

  17. My sister-in-law commented on a plant in my garden that I pass every day on the way to our pool. But with my two 4yr olds, there is always a rush to get me to the pool. She asked about my burgundy sedum that has faded a bit with browns and a bit of buttery cream from the sun, but still with lovely reddish burgundy as a base. That is my new inspiration for some fall colors. I hadn't noticed it since it was more monochromatic. Lovely.

  18. Enjoyed abundant sunshine, bright blue skies and a pair of Hummingbirds dancing and drinking from our Geraniums. Perfect weather,loving the windows open and listening to Crickets and Katydids.
    swopemelmel at aol dot com

  19. I was stuck in the house yesterday so no outings for me. Instead, as I cleaned and picked up I began to notice items around the house that are important to me, yet they've been there so long I just took them for granted. I photographed a few of them; vintage enamel boxes with lids from my uncle who passed away in February, an oil lantern from my husband's great grandmother, a plaid wool blanket from my husband's great grandfather, a lovely, glass witching ball made by my young nephew who passed away last year, a curvy vintage sofa from my husband's grandmother, and a sweet little powder box from my mom who passed away just over a year ago. I'm hoping to get these up on the blog one day.

  20. My adventuring yesterday was very limited. We basically went to the farmer's market. I was so busy trying to get the items on our list that I completely forgot to get any pictures for the blog. . .bummer. And, then it rained big time and adventure time was over. Oh well. I'm hoping to play along some today while the hubs is at band practice.

  21. My pity party inspired treasure hunt for inspiration! I went to a local craft fair very tiny but had alot of fun. I didnt find anything I had to have. Most of the beads were glass and those I have many of. I will of course share the artists that were selling because their work was beautiful. But it got me thinking about creating with more of the lamp work glass beads that are in my huge treasure box. ( I realized i cant keep them for myself forever. lol). So Ill be creating with those soon. Also found some great finds for friends starting a new business in Florida soon. I also noticed no one creates their own beads around here other than glass. Which was sad to me. There are so many amazing bead artists that create with lots of different mediums and I love looking. I was thinking of sending the ones Ive seen emails about our local shows. Our town needs new inspiration. Not the same old things. I for one am the only polymer clay person that Im aware of in two countys. Sad. I hope to soon inspire others to create because I start teaching adults soon. I already teach children. Ill be blogging about it all this afternoon.

    my blog is

  22. My finished blog about my fun filled Bead Fest ~ Pity party weekend. Hope everyone stops by. Ill be checking out everyones tommorow to see how all of you were inspired. Thanks so much for having this. I really needed the pick me up. Alot of hurting the last few weeks and this really got me motivated. Hugs and happy creating to all.

  23. I shared about the retreat on my facebook and twitter.

    What a great retreat I really am exctied and hope I can travel then so I can come. :) Off to share some more so maybe some of my friends can come.

  24. I headed for Findley State Park for a little inspiration on the trail. It's amazing how beautiful weeds really are when you take the time to really look at them. After hiking through the woods, we sat near the lake and enjoyed an unexpected thunderstorm. A big gust came through... autumn was on the wind. It was quite lovely!
    Many blessings:)
    Holly (
