September 27, 2012

New Jewelry

So loving every day of fall.  Beautiful - BEA-U-TI-FUL!  I'm all about the leaves, pumpkins and apples.  Loving the jewel colored Indian corn and mums displayed in all the grocery stores.  So wish I could not kill a live plant - my history tells me to enjoy their beauty from afar! I'm going to the farmer's market on Saturday for sure to pick up some autumn harvest goodies.  Do you have a favorite fall veggie recipe? If so, share it with me. I've been pinning some that I would like to try.  Shocking - I do cook more than beads, although my family has forgotten the fact!

If you like these bead pods, I shared how to make them on my latest newsletter - you can find it here.  They are super easy to make.

Jess made some molds for Indian corn inspired pendants - can't wait to to paint those today.  Just hope they don't turn out corny.  Tee hee - couldn't help it.  He has been quite inspired by the transparent clay and has a few designs that will be showing up in the shop soon.

I added a few new items to my jewelry shop yesterday.  I have a craft show show next weekend, my inventory is overstocked at the moment - so no need to prep.  Wow right!

I'm working on a website for my wholesale line of jewelry.  Not an easy task and me and my camera - we have not been friends for the last few weeks.  I don't know what it is, but the light has changed and it's so hard to find that sweet spot where your images sing in natural light.  I need to figure that out asap.  Or maybe it's time to upgrade to a new camera. What? No, I'm not just looking for an excuse to buy a new camera. 

I've been working on taking photos on white backgrounds too for wholesale line sheets.  Just not feeling great about the results. I need to go back to photography 101!  You never stop learning or relearning!

Off to play with my clay instead of fight with my camera...


  1. I am so borrowing that indian corn bead idea! I was working away in my studio on Tuesday afternoon when I heard a knocking at the door. I came around the corner to find no one there but a huge crow flew away. I looked everywhere for holes in the siding or on the porch. THen I turned around and found some corn kernels on the ground. I looked up to find that the Indian corn cobs that my daughter surprised me with last weekend had been almost completely eaten by the crows! Yet another reason to hate those birds! Later, after I took them down, I heard more knocking at the door and a very angry crow looking for the tasty treat I removed. I guess that gives new meaning to Poe's raven knocking at the door. Wish I could say that I am ready for this show on Tuesday. Not even close. Glad that you are enjoying fall! Have a great show, Heather. Enjoy the day. Erin

  2. P.S. I hate shooting on white as well. I think that the colors look completely off and I usually have to do so much more to salvage a shot than I ever do when I used a background. I much prefer your tile to the white. But if you find out the secret, let me know, okay?

  3. Your beads are so beautiful it doesn't matter if the pictures are off:) I certainly could not tell.

  4. I'm thinking the photos on white look pretty darn good!
