September 13, 2012

Prepping for Autumn Events

The studio has been a filled with fall inspired activity as we prep for our trunk show next weekend.  I am all about the leaves.  I can't get enough.  The colors are starting to change around here and it just thrills me to no end. 

I snapped this pick the other day to capture the colors of these leaves.  They were glowing.  I love that.  Add in a little rain and I'm totally smitten with the fall scenery.  When I looked at the photo I thought it was funny that it looked like lower and upper Michigan - which reminded me of my fall retreat here that is fast approaching!  (Inspired By Nature Retreat Link)

I still have six spaces left, are we saving a place for you?  I ordered some cards that will be sent out to a few nearby bead shops to reach out to some local beaders who may not be online.  I ordered these from Zazzle.  They are called chubby business cards and they are 3 1/2" x 2 1/2".  They are like a tiny compact postcard and offer a little more punch than a regular business card.  I'm digging them.  (That's an affiliate link to my Zazzle shop where I have some of my illustration and earring cards.)

I'm so excited about heading to Galena next week for the trunk show at Rustic River Finds. I have been working on some special pieces for the event - like these translucent leaves.  LOVING fall!  Did I mention that?  If you looking for something fun to do next weekend and are within driving distance head on over to Galena.  It's Oktoberfest, so there will be all sorts of fun and mischief to be had!  I'm looking forward to spending time with old friends and meeting new beady peeps. 


  1. Oh, my, I just love the translucence you've achieved in the leaf beads. They just seem to glow. So very nice.
