November 7, 2012

Bead Table Wednesday

Now that the clay is set up and we are back in business, the hard part begins - finding a place for all my beads.  There was some throwing things in boxes type packing in the last few days before our move.  I probably shouldn't have done that because now I need to organize that mess!  But that's also a fun challenge and it's always great to rediscover forgotten finds and past purchases.  Who knows what treasures await me!

I snapped the sunrise for you this morning.  The colors are so beautiful against all those entwined branches.  My bead muse is putting on her thinking cap - we'll see what I come up inspired by all this nature surrounding me.  Which I am so loving!  We are waiting for that magical day when we wake up to discover the ground covered in snow.  It will be so pretty out here, like a winter wonderland. 

Oh, I could see these used in a necklace inspired by the scene above.  My winter branch beads have been the hot item lately.  I made a big batch before the move but I'm sure I'll need more soon, because aren't they just yummy! 

Okay, I'm off to enjoy my grandmother's homemade beef stew.  Life is good.  Stay warm and near your loved ones tonight. 


  1. Your happiness literally pours out of you and I am so very pleased for you all.

    Little Miss Red Riding Hood off through the forest for some of grandmother's stew - you lucky, lucky, lucky lady - what a perfect life you now have. It I were you I'd pop in the car and stay out of the woods to beware of any big bad wolves! lol

  2. When moving, it's the unpacking I like the most. . .it's like opening boxes of presents. Sometimes you never know what you'll find inside even if you did pack it up!

    I'm so glad you are finding so much joy in your 'new' corner of the world. Thank you for taking us with you and sharing its beauty.

  3. Hey, if it's finding a place for your beads that's your problem, send some my way, they'll have plenty of room and a good home! :-)

  4. Haha.. lovely blog!

    These beads look amazing! As Ms Pretty Things suggested, send some out! hehe

  5. o Wowweee those beads looks amazing!!

    As Ms Pretty Things suggested, send some out! heheee
