January 29, 2013

New Work - Spring is Around the Corner

 Just a few new things I've added to the ol' Etsy shop in case you are in need of a boost of spring like I am!  Spring in Paris - that's a nice daydream...

Peacock Feathers - I have them in cuff connectors and pendants.  Love them!!! Did you know peacock feathers were used as a symbol of protection?  They were often used as ornaments on thrones to protect royalty and in depicted in the wings of angels to symbolize God's all seeing presence.  Interesting - I just thought they were a symbol of beauty, vanity and pride - who knew! 

And the a peacock in a flourishing garden.  I have one of these on my bead table. I need to whip something up with it tomorrow for the Art Bead Scene challenge.


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  2. Thanks for sharing the information on the peacock. I can't wait to see what you do for the challenge.

  3. I love these...the information on the peacocks is very interesting. Makes me love them all the more.

  4. Totally in love with these!! <3 They are on my list of next to buy!

  5. Beautiful, all. I love the Parisienne shot of the butterflies....I wish I were heading to Paris anyday now really - tomorrow?! I have friends who live there, so accommodation is there for the taking....just need the time and money for the rest of it.....hmmmm.....need to sell some more jewellery before that happens! The peacocks are absolutely stunning, I am bowled over that these are made from polymer. Love the single feathers, but the profile bird is simply amazing.

  6. I'm in love with the butterfly! So nicely made..
