November 6, 2009

Fun with Focals Winners!

Sorry this is being published later than 3pm.  I have been running around getting ready for a workshop tomorrow, nothing ever goes according to schedule does it?  Not in the Humblebeads Studio anyway!

The Winners!
Year subscription to Stringing magazine: Sandi Miller

Issue of the Best of Stringing: Bella Joy

$50 Humblebeads shopping spree and signed copy of the Best of Stringing: Artisan Clay

Winners will be contacted on Monday to arrange prize delivery.

Thanks to everyone who played along, your designs were so inspiring and beautiful!

So what do you think, should we keep the fun going with a weekly Fun with Focals challenge and more beady prizes?  Let me know if you are up for another round.


  1. Think its a great idea! and I'm up for it (provided the flow of orphaned and injured feathered creatures slows a tad)

  2. Let's do it!! I've gotten so many compliments on the things I made for this challenge and I normally run from stringing and wirework as if they were creatures of the undead! So bring it on, it's helping my creativity!!

  3. I say let's go for it! I, too, have had a lot of fun and made some really neat pieces that I've heard a lot of good things about. It's definitely got me thinking in directions I don't normally think in...And I love expanding my creative base :o)

  4. Ooooh, yes, please! I just wanted to comment that I'm sad it's over when you asked that :)
    My creativity has been sleeping lately, I didn't even manage to come up with anything for the monthly challenge on Art Bead Scene. But this woke it up! And now I don't know what to create first... I'm having so much fun creating things I wouldn't otherwise have thought of.

  5. congratulations to the winners! and a huge YES to continuing the challenges... they certainly helped me to think outside of the box... thanks, heather...

  6. Yes! And congrats to the winners!

  7. Congratulations Lucky Winners! I had a lot of fun browsing through the lovely creations. I wish I had time to have commented on each one.

    I'd love to do another Fun with Focals challenge. It certainly kept me on my toes and forced me to create things I may not of otherwise.

    Thanks Heather for organizing such a great challenge!

  8. I am up for it, I was too busy this week to find the time to participate, but I really wanted to. Can't wait to see what you come up with.


  9. It would be a great idea to do a weekly challenge! These different ideas really stretched my thinking and inspired me, and needless to say, those of us who didn't have time to participate last week (myself included) would love to get in on the action!

  10. I would love some more great inspiration!!!!!! Bring it on!

  11. I would like it very much if you continued this. Congrats to the winners. I was inspired by all the entries.

  12. I didn't get to participate this time around but I love the idea and your challenges always make me think! Please continue!

  13. I loved your challenge that you did here. I made pieces for the first two challenges, but didn't have time to photograph and post them before the deadline. I would love to try this again, and hopefully things would be a little calmer here at that time.

  14. Count me in! I was super inspired by your challenge, even though I was late. It forces me to think of new things and bring out the art bead stash! Thanks so much for doing this great contest!
    Enjoy the day! Erin

  15. That would be great! I didn't participate the first time and would like to. Congrats to the talented winners!

  16. I had such a blast with all parts of the challenge!

    I am so glad you did it and would love to do more!

  17. Yes, please do have another challenge!
