November 25, 2009


I've fallen under a pile of beads and can't get up!

Seems like I've fallen off the planet, but I'm slowly getting caught up.  I've also been working hard on new beads and holiday items.

I thought I'd give you a peak of some jewelry that I'll be listing in my etsy shop over the holiday weekend.  Stop by the Art Bead Scene tomorrow to read about our Black Friday through Cyber Monday sale! 

Yeah, it's that time of year.  How are you doing on your shopping?  Me, I have started picking up things here and there.  But we have a very uncommerical holiday with art supplies, books and handmade gifts only.  (Beside the traditional Christmas Eve PJs. Who doesn't love brand new jams for Christmas morning?)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Jinkies! Those are brilliant pieces of jewelry. But, then again, whatever you touch is so precious in my eyes. My bead diet is not quite over... I heard that we have 15 days left from KJ (but if you won't tell her and Lorelei that I have busted my diet, I won't! Oops! I think I just did! ;-) Enjoy the day! Erin

  2. The bird necklace is my fave...your little nest with the bead eggs are precious:)

  3. i have done nothing for the holidays - truth, i cannot think about them until after thanksgiving... it's just feels a little sacrilegious! thank you so much for your wonderful challenge recently - it was so great to bring people together like that...

  4. That vanGogh's garden necklace is very beautiful - is it a lariat? It looks like one. I love lariats!

  5. Love your jewelry Heather, and I just love the new items. Where do you come up with these great ideas, you do great work and I love every single thing I have made with your beads. What gemstone is that on the necklace with the brass bird? It's beautiful, of course they all are. Happy holidays and peace to you and yours!

  6. Beautiful pieces, and each is unique!

    I just adore those sweet little bird beads!

  7. Is the lariat (in the middle picture above) still available? I didn't see it in the Etsy shop, but this was posted a few days ago, so it might well have been sold. Very nice combination of elements.

  8. I love your blog:), and it's crazy like a Km of distance
    ideas intersect
    I did it not long ago the same style of pendant
