December 29, 2011

Peace to You

Thank you for all the thoughtful messages.  It's hard to put up a post like that.  I don't like to admit when I can't do it all, when I'm hurting or when I have failed at something.  That's never fun. 

I wish it was just me being sad or having the holiday blues.  But I do have a strength that comes from a deeper source and I will continue to draw from those waters while we take care of what needs to be done.

The best thing you can do for me, besides praying for us, is keep me busy.  If you love my beads, keep supporting me.  I've taken off the time that I needed and I've reduced several commitments on my end so that I can focus on working at what I need to do each day.  I find comfort in creating and knowing my work inspires others.

I made this bracelet as a gift for someone dear who I thought needed a reminder to find her own peace in this world too.  We can't control the storms outside, but we can control how we weather them.  That's a message for myself too.

Wishing a peaceful 2012 for all of us.

(Peace bead by Diane Hawkey, dove charm by Green Girl Studios.)


  1. I'm sending big Texas-sized hugs your way because it bugs me so much to know that you're dealing with stuff that's got you in such a down place...I'm glad to see you back in bloggyland and remember...if you ever need a dose of just plain goofy (or silly), I'm just an e-mail away :o)

  2. We are here for you Heather and love your beading designs.Can't wait to see your new creations this coming year. Take care and Happy New Year to you and your family.

  3. Well said! One of my goal for the new year will be to find and nurture the peace within. Thanks.

  4. Love it!! Great gift, great bracelet!

  5. I am lighting a candle and sending out energy in hopes that 2012 is kinder to you.

  6. Both your work and you as a person are inspiring! Thank you for sharing your talent and thoughts. Sending good wishes your way.

    The bracelet is really beautiful-what a special gift.

  7. I am just a random person who loves your work...


    I love the bracelet by the way. :)

  8. Thinking of you & your family - sending positive, healing thoughts your way. I pray that 2012 is filled with love & light for you!

  9. Such a great thought. Peace in your heart for the new year. For it all comes from within. I fear that I have fallen off the map and that my place in the world has been swallowed up whole. I am ready to wade back into the waters. I just hope that I remember how to swim! I am thinking of you! I see your fox each day above my head and I smile, for I know that it is a little piece of you.
    Enjoy the day.

  10. Heather, I hope you are finding some peace and answers to whatever challenges you are facing. You're courage to let your guard down and show people how you need to spend time caring for yourself is truly courageous. May you have a blessed road ahead xoxo Beth

  11. Very nice combination created with the wooden beads.The blue beads do make an effective impressive for the contrasting arrangement...very attractive piece.

  12. i love it! by the way, i'm a new follower, and hope someday, you'll follow mine too!
