In an old library hidden within a great manor, a woman in a dark blue silk dress tucks a feather into a dusty volume of her favorite book of poems. She dreams of freedom.
A cameo sits on a vanity next to a wooden box that holds pearls and a locket with the photo of her beloved. She touches a ribbon that once tied together a bouquet from their younger days.
I'm thinking filigree lockets, luscious ribbon, wood beads, stones in earthy colors, dark jewel tones, Victorian influences, autumn colors...
What is inspiring you today?
Very nice! I particularly like the second set (the blue ones).
If I worked in clay, it would be very tiny, detailed canes. Geometric, repeatable patterns in 15/0 bead crochet are spawning variations today. The inspiration coming from old Balkan beadwork.
Heather the words you wrote spoke to my heart. Like the bracelet I wear from my daughter that fits me like a hug. You are my inspiration today.
very nice beads, I too like the second set best.
So much pretty to start a dreary day! I love all that you do, and you do it so well...and now to know that you are a writer of prose too? Well, that is just more than my little heart can had me at 'hello'!
I have been on hiatus...but you are inspiring me to get back to what I love and find a way to make it work when the world around me seems to be imploding.
Thank you for your inspiration today. Enjoy the day!
Heather, I LOVEEEEEE that bird bead. I would love to incorporate those into some thing I make. Are you selling them? So beautiful.
Very nice! I love the bird bead and the blue beads in the second photo. They really did remind me of a cameo.
so beautiful... i am really taken with the bird bead... incredible...
Riki, you can find those beads in my etsy shop. The link is at the top of my blog.
Erin, we all go through those dry spells. I worked non-stop for 12 hours a day on production work for the last 3 weeks, I was ready to explode from a lack of creativity! It's nice to carve out some time to play and I really do have to carve it out, there is never enough time. sigh.
Judith, you stick with the blinding 15/0's and I'll stick to the clay! The Balkan designs sound intersting.
Yep, that bracelet is a hug from me to you Mom!!!
Hmm, seems like the blues have everyone's vote. I've been working on a necklace with one of them today. Thanks for visiting Marie, Silver P., Marbella & Sue!
Wonderful post. I find inspiration hard to come by.
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