This is a box full of goodies from my studio purge.
One woman's tossed out beads is another woman's treasures!
The stipulations: You'll pay for shipping: $8.95 for flat rate priority mail.
The rules: You'll take what you want from the box, add in items from your own bead stash to replace the items you took and do the same giveaway on your blog. We'll keep the beads traveling for as long as we can.
To enter: Leave a comment, include your email.
Bonus: Blog, facebook or twitter about it to enter twice. Leave another comment letting me know you helped spread the word.
International bloggers: I'm sorry, but due to shipping only those in the U.S. can play along. But I'm suddenly feeling really bad for my non-U.S. blog readers. If you are outside the states leave a comment and I'll also draw one international winner for a bead grab bag from my Etsy shop.
So let's take a closer look at this box o'wonders:
Metal beads of all sorts.
Some bead soup mixes with pearls, stones and glass. Glass beads, crystals, lucite flowers and some goodies from Rings & Things.

A whole mess of older Humblebeads. Experiments and earlier versions.
Art beads, some left over form the Bead Cruise. Gaea, Jangles, C-Koop, Marsha Neal, Earthenwood Studio, Lisa Shifflet, Summer Studios and more.
Felt and fiber beads
Seed Beads
Findings and stringing materials. Some from Hobby Lobby, silk cord, memory wire, fan pull kits, chain and bead wires from Rings & Things.
McGrabbies - Mom and Jess tried to steal some of the goodies. Don't worry, I fended them off.
And yes, days later and projects passed my desk is still clean!
Good luck everyone.
Are you SURE about that!??! All that stuff looks so great! Are you sure you want to just up and give it away like that???
Alllllright. if you're sure. I want to put my name in the hat. What a terrific idea- I seriously hope I win.
What a great idea! I'm afraid I don't have any beads to replace my McGrabbing out of the stash!
Still a great idea!
Zoinks! What if I want it all!!!! Of course that is impossible, as I would have to replace it from my burgeoning stash. This would be loads of fun! Thanks for the great idea and the chance to win. Just to fondle them all before sending them on their way would be a treat. (Am I weird, or what?) Enjoy the day! Erin
Count me in! I absolutely love this idea. I've already re-posted on facebook. Kind of like geo-cacheing but with beads!
What a wonderful idea for a giveaway! I'd love to play along!!
I just posted on my fan page on Facebook.
Count me in as well! I've got plenty of stash to replace what I take. What an awesome idea!
I'm headed over to post on my blog now.
Hello! Great idea! Count me in!!
I'm going to facebook it.
I'm in, would love to do it!
I would love to win those bead goodies...count me in. You are so generous.
I just facebooked it...
holy moly I love this idea and plan!!! fabulous! I came here by way of Lorelei's facebook note. I moved to Israel 6 months ago so I understand I'm outta the loop but would love to be considered for the parting gift! :) Will Facebook it, too! :) What a great variety of beads.
I love this idea - count me in too - posting on FB next
Wow! I would love to win and get to pick through that box! And I have plenty of things to add to it when I pass it along:)
I posted about the giveaway on my blog My email address is
I want to play please.
I just FB'd it.
Hi, Wow, what a Awesome Giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks so much for this chance! Hope your day is a beadiful one.
Hugs and happy beading...
My e-mail address is;
WoW what a fun idea... I'm in too !!
Hi, I also posted your great Sisterhood of the Traveling Beads Giveaway on my right hand sidebar of my blog. Have a wonderful day!
Also shared on facebook !!
Please let me play...
Love your blog. Will put it on blog and facebook...
Heck, Yeah!!!! I have a ton of beads that others might love, and I hate to throw them away - I would love to join in!!! Nedbeads DOES actually have some beads that are 'extra!'
Red Rover, Red Rover, sent big honkin' box of beads right over.
What a great idea. I have lots I could contribute. How do we determine what's fair to replace? I'd have no idea of the value of some of these.
How about if contributors post pix of the contents when they get it and what they add? It would be very interesting to see how it changes.
I will leave it up to the winner to decide what is a fair exchange. It doesn't have to be dollar for dollar. Just think about the next winner and be generous!
I would love to get a chance to get my hands on those beads and more!I do have beads to replace,I'm a hoarderThis is a wonderful idea,is this the result of you clearing your desk?If so,I can't even imagine the goodies you have kept.I'm going to facebook it.Great idea,Heather.
I posted the info on facebook!
Hi Heather, I am in Canada. I would of course pay extra for the shipping if you were to include me :) But I understand, so I will settle for the draw :( {single tear...}
OH YEAH - I want to play!!!!
I am just getting into beading and jewelry making. I love so much of what I see, I am afraid though at most of what i would be putting back in would come from old estate sales, and store bought beads. etc. But I would really love the opportunity.
Hi Heather
What a GREAT idea!!! I love it! Please enter my name. :-)
here the link to the post on my blog for the giveaway:
Thanks, Susan
What a fantastic idea! The lucky winner gets to clean up their studio, too!
Put my name in the hat. Ann
What a great idea! Count me in!!!
Whoo hoo!! I'm in! I've been thinking about destashing a bit myself, so this is just perfect!!!!
So many wonderful things to play with....Count me in please
I would love to be a part of this too. I have a great stash of extras I would love to trade off.
Fun, fun, fun!
Wow, you are too generous! Count me in as I have tons o' beads to share!
I just blogged the giveaway:
Oh my, it's been years since I thought of doing this.... and I have about 10 lbs of beadroom cleanout myself. Grins, would be great to trade out with someone else.... Count me in.
I am SO in! I have tons and tons of stuff to give. Really, TONS.
Hmmm, I am getting ready to start making beads again, and I have a big stash, (of my own, not the shop) that has been accumulating, waiting for the day when I can devote time to playing and designing again. I will blog and facebook about this on my way to Santa Fe tomorrow!
Heaven knows I have an enormous stash to pass along!!!!
Just Twittered at I_Make_Jewelry!
Too bad, I am in Canada...but I would like to be entered for the international draw, as I really like your work (just ordered a very nice bead on the weekend).
Hello, this looks like a great contest. I wish I could play but I'm in Canada. Thank you for adding a gift bag for us international blogger too. Please enter me.
rock, paper, scissors...I won!!!
Only wishing..I want in, fantastic idea. dawn
Just posted on Facebook. Count me in twice. I'll do the same on my blog when I get to that page. Dawn
What a super idea! Count me in! I will link to this on Facebook, too...So count me in twice :o)
very cool. Great idea--I want it!
Count me in! What a great idea.
How fun, I blogged about it here:
What a great idea, count me in.
Hi Heather, this sounds like so much fun I would love to play but I am in Canada. It would still be a huge treat to win something from you on esty. I love your stuff.
Count me in for the draw.
OH MY GOODNESS. This is the most FAB IDEA EVER! I simply love it. I have tons and tons of beads that I am clearing out too! COUNT ME IN!
Take care and thanks for the chance.
Wow, so many fantastic things in this box of goodies, what fun just to paw through it!
Sounds great, count me in.
Count me in from the south coast of Canada although, for the life of me, I can't understand why USPS ... well, OK, change what you can, deal with what you can't, and have the wisdom to know the difference...
Ok...As a complete and total BJ (Bead Junkie for those that don't know) count me in. That drool you see on your monitor is me drooling over the goodies....sorry--that's an addict for you.
I have some beads that I would love to see go traveling and see where they end up! This is such a cool idea! Thanks!
What a great idea, Heather! Coubnt me in:
I've posted this on Facebook and Twitter
That's the greatest idea ever! I am really hoping I get to be a part of it. By the way, the studio looks fabulous. I can't believe the change.
Jennifer Jangles
What a fabulous exchange!
Count me in!
Bead Happy!
Oh wow, what a treasure! It would be difficult to find anything there to pass on, but I've got a huge stash myself.
I've got a 29 year old bead stash to go through, this would be a fantastic way to spread the wealth!
I'd LOVE to participate! :D
Jewels [at]
Oh, put it on my FB page too!
AND my FB beady group, Beaders Without Borders:!/group.php?gid=27577515240&ref=ts
Ok...I did it! I passed the word onto my blog.
LOL How much fun is THIS?!?!??!
This is a brilliant idea. Cleaning up, recycling, and connecting people all at the same time. I hope I win, just cuz want to play!
I'm in. I'll post on my FB and my blog. I'll be back with my blog link.
How will be know who to send it to next?
Here is my blog and FB links:…beads-giveaway/!/posted.php?id=1810929353
Jeannie - the winner will post the same contest on their blog. But of course with their photos of what's in the new box.
I really like the idea of a travelling box of beads...touching so many beaders across the, I'd love to play.
Is it possible to share your turn? Because I know my bead society would love to join in but most of them don't blog or have sites.
Oh my goodness! Look at all the wonderful items...I would love to play! Thanks so much :)
I blogged about it here...
Wow, what a cool idea! And I can't believe the beauties you're giving away... unfortunately I'm in Germany :( Well, I probably couldn't decide which of these treasures to pick anyway!
I blogged about it....excited to have a second entry.
What a yummy stash! And fun idea.
I'm in Sweden so I'm one of those bloggers that can't participate even if it would've been fun.
Oh great goodness, this is genius! If I don't win, would you mind if I did the giveaway anyway? I'll credit your idea if I do. But I hope I win!! :)
contact [at] envedesigns [dot] com
just tweeted (@eNVeDesigns)
contact [at] envedesigns [dot] com
Hello! :)
A friend of mine started something like this a little while ago - on a much smaller scale of course - only $15 worth of beads - and we have 4 beaders who are participate currently. When the pkgs contain beads we originally put into the stash, we take them out and replace them and just keep the traveling bead circle going. :) It's a really fun way to destash/share and receive/discover new goodies! Your box of goodies looks awesome!! I would love to win!
I just put your awesome giveaway on my Facebook regular and fan page, here's a link to my fan page. :)!/pages/Tucson-AZ/Boutique-Kismet/335709191384
And my earlier comment I forgot my email! :)
I posted your omg giveaway on my blog're going to pick me, right?! I LOVE your blog and beads!!
Beth from Three Trees Art
What a great idea! It's enough to make a girl want to start a blog! But agree with other comments...are you sure you want to destash all that bead goodness? I would definitely have a hard time "passing it on". Am very impressed with your generosity.
Betty S.
All that stuff looks amazing! I'd love to get my hands on it and just play with it!
Unfortunately, not only am I international (I live in Canada) but I've neither the substantial stash nor the funds to replace what I'd take. I'd love to get the consolation prize, though :D
Best of luck to the rest of you!
I would love to be chosen. Love, love, love I tell you. I'll blog it over at my blog.
Good luck to all!
What a generous and charming idea. I'd love to participate, but I live in Germany. So have fun, guys!
AWESOME! What a fun thing to do! Count me in.
O.K. Just left a link on my blog back to you. Just wondering though..... Have you had your sanity checked lately? That's a lot of beads!
Heather, what a great idea! I guess there is no way I can join from Germany, even if I pay for shipping? But I'd love to enter the international drawing. I just blogged about it and facebooked it too. Thank you for your generosity. Your beads are fabulous.
I sure am in for some swapping! Springs here, take out the old, bring in the new! Great idea Heather
Will go blog and tweet it now! (I'm supposed to be in the studio working, Shh, don't tell anyone!
What a fun idea- I sure have some beads to destash that I could add to the box- and it looks like lots of goodies in the box from your stash. How Fun!
This is so exciting to be able to receive beads and give away beads. I'm in. I just tweeted about it @designsbyjenean and I'll be blogging about it too at
wow! I remember doing these years ago, they were soooo much fun! I'll post tonight on my blog:
Kat BM ( Say Hi to Bevvie for me!)
Sounds like fun...I'm in!
Ok it's on my blog, on my facebook page, and on twitter. email is thanks either way! Kat BM
I am entering, please. What fun. I'm entering on my twitter and facebook, as well as my blog. Hold on. I'll get back to you.
There, it's on my twitter, facebook, and I am attempting to add it to my blog: , but they're tied up at the moment.... (you know wordpress).
Uh, huh! What a great idea!I'm putting this into my blog... I have a ton of beads to swap with
salsmack [at]
I would love to get in on it and I have lots of things I can substitute for the things I take out. This is a great idea and you have had 99 comments so far. What if we all started more than one package going so everyone would have a chance to participate. you should set a time limit on how long before the package moves on - 1-2 weeks. Just think, if we did this, it could go on for several years going down the list of names. What fun would that be to see how it changes through it's travels. What an intriguing idea.
What a GREAT way for beaders to "go green"! Re-use, re-cycle....everythings a treasure to someone. Stevie Weinberg, Palm Desert, CA
Holy Canoli Batman! What a GREAT idea!!!
What a great idea! I would love to win and replace beads and findings. I will blog about our giveaway.
Count me in Heather - I love this kind of treasure! It's very generous to start!
Hey Heather, I'm a slowpoke. I'm in and wanting to win...LOL Have a great rest of the week.
Hey, Count me in :)
I know I posted to this yesterday but can't find my comment. Hope this one goes through. Just came back (glad I checked!) to let you know Heather my blog post went live (and I see it connected at the bottom of this post under links to post) and I also tweeted it under organicodysseys, so hopefully you will count this post twice since my other didn't make it through. So cool! I can't wait for the drawing and see who goes next! :)
Would love to get my hands on those beads. Count me in.
what a fun giveaway! I love the idea of passing it along.....
this is so great! thanks!
I'm so sad for I am an international girl, this swap/ giveaway reminds me of the type of seed swaps I take part in my gardening forum, These are always great fun, so have fun girls as I am sure you will.
I'll just have to hold out hope I win the etsy bead grab.
To Heather from another Heather, What a fun contest! I love the idea of purging and passing things on! I am especially fond of your wonderfully unique ceramic beads.
oooops! forgot my email- I am going to mention this on my blog. By the way Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is one of my all time favorite movies. How great that it inspired you to create this fun contest.
Oh how fun. What an amazing bunch of beads. Love the idea of a Bead Swap Giveaway. Please sign me up.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
Oh I would love to win! I am just getting started. My third class is Sunday at the Tulsa bead show.
However I do have a few beads that I can use to replace what I take. Please enter me!
francysfancystitches at
Wow! That's a lot of giveaway! I have a hard time parting with my stash, old or not. But I'll give it a shot if I can get cool stuff like this in return. Sign me up!
Better late than never - still a week to the deadline. All Facebooked and ready for my second chance to win!
How fun! I would love a chance to participate in this. BTW, your studio looks inviting!
I posted about this on my blog!
Heather, pick me, pick me !!!! GREAT idea.
What a wonderful gift!!! Please sign me up. Can't wait for March 26th!!!
A dream giveaway for sure Heather! Your studio clean up has inspired me to get up and get going on my own mess.
please enter me in the drawing, i am just getting started and it seems that it will take forever to build up a nice stash!
lisa lovett
I just posted about this on my blog. I'm happy to see you have so many entries!
I'm in! Good luck everyone!
I'm posting on my FB fan page as well as Twittering!
Mona Ahleman
What a great idea and a fun round robin so to speak. Count me in.
ooh lovelies! But I'm Canadian (not that that would ever make me sad). I'd love to be entered for a grab bag of your goodness. Thanks for thinking of us :)
Ohhh Cool !!!
So many comments... but it sounds like a great idea! It may never get to me, but count me in just the same!
Oh I definitely want to enter. So many goodies that I would want to fondle. And I have a lot of goodies that would love to find a new home.
I posted about this on Facebook!/Shaihas
Well I like the idaa too. I posted on my blog.
I will also post it on my facebook fan page claycass.
Ooops I forgot to leave my email -
WOW! Amazing! I would love to participate!
I blogged about this wonderful adventurous giveaway here:
Oh oh oh! I also tweeted about it here
Enter me in!!!
I'm going to post this at the Beading Daily forums... see if we can't possibly get more people in on this :D
Heather, this looks absolutely amazing. Please count me in!!
and i blogged about it.
Great stuff, great idea, you Americans are so creative!! I'm putting down my name for the international gift ;-)
Sandra, Liguria, Italy
Great stuff, great idea, you Americans are so creative!! I'm putting my name down for the international gift ;-)
Sandra, Liguria, Italy
What a great idea...thanks for taking the lead. I have only been beading for a year so still very much a novice...we could use some fun like this in South Dakota!
I'll drop a word on fellow locals will want to know ALL the details.
OH breathing heavy - heart pounding - skin tingling.....yah, beads have that affect on me :)
I would love to be the winner!
I've posted about it on my blog !
Such fun!
You are a genious! What a great way to share our passion! Pick me, pick me!
This is a fantastic thing to do! I would love to partake in it as I need new stash and get rid of some.
Will shout it out on my FB and blog about it tonight.
This sounds like great fun--beady people unite!! Heard about this from my friend Kat-she's a awesome person and beader. Would love to try this.
I am amazed at the amount of this Stash. So, I would love to add my name for the Possibility of winning. If I win, I will post on my Website.
"I am a feared I will not win" and My DH is a fraid I will win."
Just in case,=)Thanks in Advance.
oh, and my e-mail is, and my blog is
Hi heather! I would definately be in, if i wasn't so far away! I'd like to enter internationally, from here in South Korea. I will be blogging this and facebooking it as well.
ok,,,left my comment on my facebook and spreading it by word of mouth...
such a cool idea! count me in
Wow! What a fantastic idea! Count me in!!!
oh I will facebook, twitter and blog about this!
Oh, this sounds like FUN! Please let me play too :)
hjwestfall1013 @
PS: I will be tweeting this, and blogging it too!
How much fun is this! I'd love to trade out some of your trash or treasure (depending on whose eyes are looking at it) and replace it with my own -- I sure have plenty!
I'll tweet/FB this as well, but I've half a mind to do my own, so I won't take up two entries.
Throwing my name in the hat just for the chance to dig around in all the beady goodness for a little while. My stash is not quite so large so I'd have to leave most of it in the box, but I really want to get a look at those fiber beads!
BEAUTIFUL...excited to be a part. Just looking at the images makes me want to organize my beads and prepare for the Bead Blessing.
such pretty items and more pretty items to come. yes, i would like to join.
Count me in. I've been making new beads that even impressed my mother!
Lois Moon de Padilla
Hi, I think most beads really like to travel. All over the place. This is just such a wonderful way of swapping beads between beadlovers. I was sooooo thrilled when i read it. But i am in Sweden, so i can't participate. Please put my name down for the international draw. Do I need to do something more to participate?
Hi again, I am posting a link on both my blog and on Facebook.
All my best, Malin de Koning
How sad I am that I missed this! It is a great idea & I may "borrow" it sometime!
OMG! Those beads are beautiful! Sadly I missed this fun. I would have signed up for the International bag. I hope there's a second time around? :)
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