And I'm in serious trade mode. Humblebeads for art beads from my bead artist buddies. Just send me an email and we'll work out a deal. They will all be going toward one of the above mentioned projects.
Look for new beads tomorrow! And for those who are my mailing list, check your inbox.
p.s. if you are bead collector and want to trade for an art bead or two that is in your stash, I'm all up for that too. My only requirement is that you can give me the name of the artist and their website, so I can properly credit them if they get accepted into something for print.
Awesome! I've been drooling over the new Poppy bead and the new Dandelion bead! I'll check my stash and be in touch! :)
Linkages, anyone? Am having so much fun melting silver to make chain. Must go back to the beading ... after just one more loop. Love the new beads, especially the flower images, so right for summer.
Gorgeous asymmetry.
Beautiful shades.
I love vintage trend!! That is really a perfect bracelet for vintage fashion lover.
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