October 20, 2008

You don't say? Part 2

(Insert funny caption here!)

I had such a fun time reading every one's comments last week that I decided to do another round. Leave a funny caption for week's photo in the comments and I will randomly draw one winner on Saturday for a free squirrel bead.


Anonymous said...

"Mirror, mirror on the wall."

I love these new beads! All of your work is simply beautiful

KelliBag said...

That must have been one huge nut!

Love em, Kelli

Alicia G. said...

I'm not carrying that up the tree!

Anonymous said...

Hello.... hello..... (tap, tap)... is this thing on???

Lorelei Eurto said...

"I dare you to put this on your head and run around the forest for 15 minutes!"

"Not on your life!"

balanced. said...

I got nothin'!
But, it has to be Lynn. I'm still laughing.

Anonymous said...

Ummmph... I can't believe I ate the whole thing!

Bead-Mused said...

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy . . .

Shai Williams said...

Honey! A banquet!

:: Eyes alight with paws in prayer position.

Now get busy and cart this up the tree.

::Mrs with paws on her hips::

Melissa J. Lee said...

Oooh, I like bead-mused's entry!

"Tell me, again - I'm supposed to stuff this in my cheeks!?"

Thanks for the fun contest - saw your new work in Stringing. Looks beautiful!

Beverly Herman said...

Hey the cup is still half full.

peacockfairy said...

Seriously, it was here just a minute ago! I swear!

cindy said...

"Where's the beef?....oh, I mean nut!"

Anonymous said...

really, it's a tibetian prayer hat, only eighty five dollars cash!!

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

Radio playing: By the light of the silvery moon...la la la la la la

Squirrel wife: Oh George, don't you just love these old victrolas? George!? George!?

Squirrel husband: Snore, snore, snore...

Linda said...

Hello~~~ You've been tagged!! You're IT! Please check out my blog for more information.
:) Linda

Anonymous said...

I can hear the ocean in here!


Rosanne said...

I swear, its true, put this on your head and you will be invisible!


I can't believe I ate the whole thing!

Beverly Herman said...

No sense cryin over spilt acorn juice. Let's go to Starbucks!

Pips said...

Stop trying to look so innocent - I know is was you who ate my acorn!

Digital Misfit said...

BURRRRRP!..'scuze me!
Tee hee!

KPP said...

"What do you say, shall we make a hat?"

Anonymous said...

"My word, Mr. Acorn, but your insides are completely dug out! Quick, we'll hide you from those vicious squirrels before they finish you off toot sweet!"

Ha! Love those birdies and their heroic ways!


Rosanne said...

Grab it quick before Bailey sees us!

Start To Finish Supplies said...

I am coming up blank on this one. But if I had a vote I would say either Kellibag's suggestion or digital misfits.

I love these contest. They keep me entertained!

Karin said...

"Aww, nuts!"

Swapna said...

Nuts!..haven't I told u no midnight snacking? now what do I serve the guests?

kinipela92 said...

'I'm telling you, if we just cover it with some leaves, maybe a little grass here and there, no one will know it was us...'

'We should wipe off our prints, soak it in bleach, burn it, we can't leave any evidence!'

'....seriously? you need to lay off the CSI.'

Block Party Press said...

What happened to my acorn?

The GOP confiscated it, for some sort of investigation.

Unknown said...

Squirrel 1: Your nuts are gone.
Squirrel 2: I know. My wife stole them.
Squirrel 1: (sighs) Again?

dochoamom said...

What kind of nut job are you?

Anonymous said...

80's flashback...C+C Music Factory...

"It's your world and I'm just a squirrel
Trying to get a nut to move your butt to the dance floor
So you what's up hands in the air come on say yeah
Everybody over here everybody over there"


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, I guess they got OUR 401K too!

Anonymous said...

Heather, the Tibetan prayer hat grabbed my attention and made me chuckle.......pick lynn........on the other hand, Carol's comment about the 401K is priceless....snicker snark...."priceless"........