Big news! Two of my designs won in the Bead Star competition from Interweave Press! Thank you for voting this summer. It was so hard to keep it a secret all these months. If I hadn't been so busy this week making beads I would have done my horn tootin' a little earlier!

My "Key to Heart Necklace" won 2nd place in the Hearts Category. Which came with a nice big ol' $500 gift certificate to
Shipwreck Beads. It's like Christmas arrived two weeks early!

And my "Sea Urchin" necklace took home an honorable mention in the pearls category, which means I was able to pick the
Interweave bead magazine of my choice for a year's subscription. Lucky! And it gets even better, both of these designs are in the Bead Star magazine which hits newsstands next week.
While you wait for the magazine to arrive, you can find my sea urchins in my
etsy shop or on
my website. Ah, I feel all shiny!
Congratulations Heather!!
Please bring both of these winners home so we can woo and haaa in person!!
Awesome Heather! Congrats!
Absolutely a warranted win! These are both stunning and total winners. Congrats HP!
Well Deserved~ Love the pieces here! Congratulaions Heather!
Toot toot toot toot...blowing horns for you over here too!
They are beautiful, congrats to you.
Ahhh....the winner's circle!
VAharoni Blogspot
Fabulous! Congratulations! I'm popping the cork off your virtual bottle of champagne right now.
I really adore the "Key to Heart Necklace" -- the colors, textures, and patterns. Nice work :)
Congratulations! Wonderful news.
That's fantastic, Heather! Congratulations! We knew you when ;D
A big congratulations to you Heather!!!! You deserve every bit of it!!! Keep feeling shiny!
Congratulations Heather! Well done, and well deserved!
So cool! Christmas indeed! Congrats! I feel like a winner too as I noticed my little heart right in front!
Congratulations Heather!
Congratulations, Heather! Your work is gorgeous!
Good for you Heather! Great work---Congratulations on your effort.
Big Congratulations for a well deserved win. We all loved Key to Heart.
Big Congrats Heather !
I was really rooting for you to win mainly because I love your beads and your website !! I loved the other artbead work from all the others and it was a great contest, but I really love your beads !! You deserve this win !!
Yours truly , Debra G.
Congratulations Heather.
You deserve it, both pieces are just stunning. :)
So wonderful Heather! Congratulations!
Heather, your fun hearts and cool urchin deserve this recognition. Kudos! from
at Rings & Things
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