I started by assembling a collection of larger beads: a shell and wood bead, ceramic, turquoise-daggers-of-awesomeness, and a buttery yellow urchin I made before the Bead Cruise. I sprinkled in some copper spacers, brass chain and a fish pendant/clasp thing from Vintaj. (I get all my Vintaj from my good buddies at Bello Modo.) And I had to add in a little brown lava bead from Rings & Things. They are popping everywhere in my designs, they are just so much fun and so very versatile.
The finished piece reminds me of my recent trip to Costa Maya, a beachy tribal design. This will be in my etsy shop soon along with a whole slew of summer inspired jewelry.
Olá, passei para dar uma olhadinha em seu blog, muito interessante.
Very cool pieces, love them, great work!
Very pretty! I like those funky nuts!
Funky nuts indeed! I love that stripety-striped one...is that the ceramic? What a fun way to kick start your creativity with a gift of mystery beads from a friend. Too.Much.Fun. (and I daresay that you would be loads of fun to beach bum it with!)
Enjoy the day!
Thanks for stopping by Celio, Marbella & Doreen!
Erin that bead is a shell on top with wood on the bottom. They were strung as a stretchy bracelet, I picked them up at a Rings & Things show.
They look like Brazil nuts!
The nuts are called:
Edjok Nut Beads and you can find them here at Beads n Pieces:
Nice work HP! I think the set is FUNKA-LICIOUS! Now I'm hungry for some nuts!
*that's what she said.
They do look like something edible for sure!
Love both the necklace and the bracelet - very creative. I especially like the coloring in the necklace, the turquoise with the warm buttery shade of the nuts and the creams - great job!!!!!!
Great stuff - how nice of Lorelei to share these Edjok nuts. Coincidentally I was just doing some work with our new ebony-tree nuts (beads) and I'm getting convinced that this is my new favorite kind of bead. A possibility for guys' jewelry?
BTW - I was translating some Portuguese on someone else's blog, so in case you didn't figure it out, here's what Celio wrote:
"Hi, I stopped by to have a peek at your blog, very interesting. Way to go. Hugs."
at Rings & Things
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