I've been thinking a lot about my business over the last few weeks, how I've struggled to keep up as it seems to grow faster than my two hands can make the beads. Which is good, I love making beads and staying home to work. But I seem to have no balance and work to the detriment of missing out on my life. Spending time with my girls, doing things as a family, hanging out with Jess. Time is short, I don't want to put aside the most important things in my life to make a living. There isn't a Humblebeads factory, it's just me and my two hands.
And what about me? Is my life only about making things? What about having time to take care of myself? To have fun, relax, play, pray, read, dream. I need these things like I need water and air. I have been enjoying rediscovering these tiny pleasures, while I work part-time during my vacation.
So my etsy shop will close in the morning until the 23rd when I return home. My Humblebeads website will not open for retail orders until September when my girls are back in school. Wholesale yes, but retail shoppers will have to see what's on hand in my etsy shop or order from Bello Modo until I'm ready to work full-time again. I probably won't blog again until I return home. There are birthday parties, friends, creative play-dates, movies to watch, sunsets to enjoy, meals to savor, games to play, shops to visit, walks to take. I have 7 more days of vacation and I need to live them.
"We are always getting ready to live but never living." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Heather may the next 7 days of your vacation be blessed with the things your heart longs for. Enjoy your children, family and friends. Play while you can and live in the moment.
I have seen first hand how hard you work to make your beautiful beads. Those two precious hands of your can only create so many beads at time. You are not a machine. Sending you love and support. Love Mom
It is very easy to become so "devoted" to our work, our craft, our art, our family that we (the person, the spirit, the soul) start receding into the background. Before we know it, "me" is defined by work, obligations to family, clients, and so on and so on.....every human being needs to return to their core once in a while and peek inside. You need to do that and the evidence is in how much you longed for the beach and how much you loved it. Take some time off. It will be regenerating, rejuvenating and recharging, I promise!
I think your decision is very, very courageous. I envy the fact that you have the luxury to do that. You work very hard and it shows in your work.
We'll be here when you're ready to come back. In the meantime, have fun, relax, play, pray, read, dream, discover, enjoy time with the girls, JUST BE IN THE MOMENT!
Yep, you need to totally enjoy your vacation!!! I am forced to do that when I go to Hilton Head, because there's no way I could torch there. It's hard at first to settle down, and not "do" anything, but I hope you are able to do this and enjoy every single second of your week!
beautiful quote by emerson and how amazingly the universe works... the timing is right for you to do this and you are right... you are the only you there is... and there is much to be loved and lived... enjoy yourself and know that you are incredibly supported!
You've made a good decision for yourself and your loved ones. The beach looks like heaven! Soak it all in and enjoy it and here's hoping that the balance returns to your life.
Hello dear friend! I am so proud of you...not for having that epiphany but for acting on it.
"I asked God for all things , that I might enjoy life. God gave life, that I might enjoy all things."
Go and enjoy all things. We will wait for you....
Great for you! *hugs*
Funky Monkey Girl,
Bravo!!! I love the way you are making your life work for you :) I'll miss ya, but see you in September after all the fun!
At the end of one's life one never says, "I wish I had spent more time at work". Bravo for taking the time you need to be present in your wonderfully blessed life. You will find much joy and fulfillment.
Peace to you,
I have so been at that point. I didn't really want to say much about it let alone blog about it. Thanks for bringing it up. I was supposed to take the summer off since my husband is a teacher and the kids are out of school. It's middle of July and that hasn't haven't yet. I was looking forward to the 3R's...Rest, Reflect, Reassess. There are too many days I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I have a very strong desire to paint again, if not just for the therapeutic aspect of it. Glad to know I'm not the only one out there feeling this way! Photos are gorgeous and I'm so envious you are in Michigan! Enjoy!
This is an area where I struggle as well so thanks for saying all of this out loud. It was a good reminder for me as I come up on 2 1/2 weeks of vacation.
I hope that you enjoy every minute of your time away, that it would refresh you and give you space and time to live!
It's so nice of you to share! The grass always seems greener on the other side sometimes. I think that a lot when I sit at my desk for no good reason for 9 hrs every week day. Sounds like a great decision and one that you can be proud of! Have a wonderful time!! :)
Heather, excellent decision!!! Enjoy your life with your children!!! You know something? I take my inspiration for projects from my daily life with my children and loving husband, reading books and novels, from sharing with my friends… living my life to the fullest, because that makes me happy!! And when I’m happy I love to do beading!!! BTW love your photo with your two braids, you look beautiful!!!
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