I am a big fan of filling your space with inspiring objects, art work and images. You need a visual feast to feed your inner artist.
I'm a also friend of the bowl o' goodies. I collect ceramic dishes, both commercial and handmade, to fill up with treasures. Picture above: in delicate lotus shaped bowls I keep the beginnings of a few projects I will work on soon. A bowl of urchins, how I love those urchins! A tiny bowl is keeping a precious little stone collection, moments from one of my days at the beach in Michigan. I have a abstract leaf dish that is filled with Humblebeads that I have stashed away.
In my studio I have a large inspiration board above my clay table. I pin up projects that I'm working on (waiting written instructions), my fav photos, clippings from books, other artist's beads and artwork.
Yes, that is where I make my beads. Nothing fancy, just a simple set up with easy access to everything I need. It looks a little bit different when I'm in production mode. I fill up trays and trays of beads for Jess to roll or that I need to paint. And then everything starts to fill up the table behind me. (You'll notice an abundance of wax paper, keeps the dust out of the clay.)
Has this studio tour inspired you? Leave me a comment to tell me what you'd like to do with your work space or if you plan on leaving the chaos in all it's glory because that's what suits your creative needs best. One random commenter will be drawn to receive this pair of earrings, again inspired by Denise Peck's 101 Wire Earrings and a matching lentil bead.
The winner from the tools tour will be posted in just a few moments.
Your inspiration wall has inspired me to get the rest of my "stuff" up on the walls in my room...I have a lot of ocean-themed things that I have to put on the walls, but we haven't gotten around to it (we've only been in the house for almost 2 1/2 years...)...But, having those up on the wall will give me something pretty to look at and think about when I need an extra push...
And maybe a bulletin board on my closet doors? Somewhere to pin things up where I can see them?
Yes yes you have inspired me to really get my studio cleaned up so I can really get in and make stuff for a change. One of my cats who always sleeps under the main table is staring at me with doubting eyes but I have a long weekend coming and at least one day should be a tidy up day, make a dent at least. Thanks for the fun day following you around the studio
You have inspired me to create some cohesiveness in my studio because I can't find things when I need them and I end up spending more time than is necessary for a project. I would really love an antique apothecary cabinet to store my goodies, plus I've begun collecting ocean themed art to hang on my studio walls so I can gaze at beauty and dream up something new!
We were in the midst of turning Natalie's old bedroom into my studio when my knee problems hit. It is still the plan, it will just accur later than originally planned. And there will be new flooring, new paint and curtains with shelves and shelves of my seed beads, books and magazines. I'm moving all the seed beads into glass jars (a la David Chatt) where I can see them without digging. The other beads go into clear, segmented boxes. The idea is to have things where I can easily see what I have on hand.
Your studio tour has inspired me to find a place for everything...and to put everything in it's place! Thanks for having this fun tour. I've really enjoyed seeing where you work.
I think I am going to be painting my studio walls something soothing or enlightening then I'm going to fill areas with collage pieces of foam core that I will take a lot of flower and color images I've collected from magazines and photographs over the years.
Right now my artist made tile collection is in my office space that I'm starting to incorporate into my main studio space to pull it (and myself) back into one place. I love old barn wood frames for these tiles and other nooks and crannies to put them into...
I am pretty happy with my studio right now - it is in our spare bedroom upstairs. But on one wall, I have a large Hoosier Cabinet that my husband and I refinished that does not fit anywhere else in our home. I'd hate to sell it, but I'd also love the extra space to have another table. I have tried all that I can to incorporate it for storage and display, but it is still too "kitchen" like to fit in the studio.
My mom and I are actually planning on creating a studio space for us this fall out of the office that we currently have. We recently bought an L-shaped desk, and this fall we're going to repaint and (hopefully) recarpet to make a studio fit for two! Wow! I am excited...
I really don't have much space at all, and it is part of my home, but I reeeeaaally need to get it better organized! Your space looks very sweet and functional, my chaos usually works out well, until the chaos gets the better, and then I start all over again with the cleaning up, and I feel like I'm born again!
Well, I really wish I had a bigger corner! My corner is in the basement and it is literally a corner! I need my "own" space but don't have it right now. But you have inspired me to figure out how to get more space; I really don't care for chaos, but that's what I have right now!
I admire the way you have tons of things around you, but they all play a part in your inspiration! I feel like I have a blank slate, having moved into my new house in Alabama, so your posts are perfectly timed. I'm definitely going to use my vertical space--walls of cork boards will be fantastic!! Thanks again for sharing!
Your space looks great. I think you have inspired me to do some cleaning of my own.
I just need to get a handle on clutter and use my space better. I started recently by cleaning out a shelf in a closet to house things for shipping (since I am doing more of that, and if I start selling on some venue, I will need even more!) I am a packrat so I have a hard to throwing anything out. I like your bowl idea. But I don't seem to have as much horizontal space as you do. I do have a bunch of Snapware containers I bought at the end of last year. I discovered that they fit perfectly on the cabinet shelves. I planned to organize my stash and get a handle on inventory, but that has yet to happen. But I did do one tub, my Vintaj tub, that way. I just need to find more hours in a day!
Did you see that I blogged about all your fabulousness?
Enjoy the day!
Ok, so I cannot blog....but I can bead thanks to all your beautiful inspirational beads. Thank you so much.
Hi, I love what you did with your Studio! I have a very small 3 bedroom one floor home but I do try to keep everything somewhat organized. I have mine in containers and drawers. I've been working on a room that I used as a den and office and I'm now converting it into a Studio for myself. I hope that it comes out half as nice as yours! I'm working with a very low budget. But so far so good and I'm almost finished with it! I'm excited about it because I've only been talking about doing this for years now! I hope that you have a wonderful day and thanks so much for sharing your awesome Studio with us!
Your studio looks just beautiful, and so nicely organized. I especially like the inspiration wall. It's a winner! I cannot wait to build my studio in our backyard (!) Right now, I work at the dining room table and store my supplies in a bedroom closet. I live in a small house in a beach town, and we just don't have a room for my studio right now... urrrgh! Of course, I could wait until my boys move away, but that's still 7 years off, minimum! So I'm setting my sights on a studio in the backyard, with a view of the boats and the bay, lots of light, storage, tables for sewing, painting, needle felting, the WORKS! I can't wait :o)
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