This is the inspiration for my latest beads. I wish they were as beautiful and intricate as this print, but "inspired by" will do for now. It's a wall paper design from William Morris. Could you image a wall filled with this?
I know, I'm so mean not show you pictures, but you'll have to come back on Monday to see all the new beads. Which also includes a new round of beads inspired by Gustav Klimt's painting, The Kiss. Good stuff!
Oh I'm very excited! I will wait very patiently since I know it will be worth it.
I went to a great William Morris exibit about 10plus years ago, too young to really appreciate all the tapestry and such then, but we did take home some prints that I have admired ever since.
you are such a tease! i am so glad that you're back at this blog. you have been missed.
hy. my name is Patricia anda i'm writing from Portugal. I saw you blog wen I was surfing around internet traing to see more diferent projects. You have very god bead works. the problem here in Portugal is that all matrials are too expensive. Next month i'll go to N. York, and I hope i'll find more material, especially diferent things tnah we have here. I have a few books from USA with very interesting thing, but after i can't find the materials, so i have to improvise...anda try to make diferent thing's. If you want I can show you some photos of my works.
My e.mail adress is: smoreirinhas@hotmail.com
once again congratulations
Kisses from Portugal
Your a mean one Mrs. Grinch!!!
I'll just wait like everyone else.
If they are half as nice as the ones you first did they will be a knock out.
The Kiss is one of my *most* favorite paintings! I'll be back Monday to see all the lovely beads... :)
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