Well, it's cold enough here in San Antonio to feel like Christmas. Which just excites me to no end. I had a 1/2 dozen Christmas cookies for breakfast. If that makes me bad, then I don't want to be good. I'm on the "Elf" diet. You know - the 4 basic food goods: your candy canes, candy corn, corn syrup and maple syrup. I love that movie and think I'll play it back here while I'm packing up the rest of my orders for today.
I will still take orders through tomorrow and then I'm closing up shop for a few weeks to enjoy time with my family. The etsy store will stay open with items in stock and ready to ship.
Visit my etsy store today for a free priority mail shipping upgrade. I know you haven't checked everyone off that list yet. Okay, maybe I'm the only one still making gifts and picking up those last items on my list.
Men, why do we have to buy presents for them? That's no fun. Nothing sparkly or beaded.
Stop back tomorrow I have all sorts of goodies to show you. Free projects that will be on the Art Bead Scene this week, and my Christmas tree, so cute this year. Hope you are staying sane and grabbing hold of a few peaceful moments to enjoy the season!
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