Bead orders, the book proposal, details for the Bead Cruise - my days are filled with fun adventures, new work and the joy of sending my creations out into the world. And like bread cast upon the water, good things make their way back to me. Life is sweet. Above are my pearls that I ordered from Fire Mountain Gem. Love the pearls, total lusciousness.
January 29, 2009
I hear the ocean calling...
Bead orders, the book proposal, details for the Bead Cruise - my days are filled with fun adventures, new work and the joy of sending my creations out into the world. And like bread cast upon the water, good things make their way back to me. Life is sweet. Above are my pearls that I ordered from Fire Mountain Gem. Love the pearls, total lusciousness.
January 27, 2009
January 25, 2009
Over Exposed?

January 22, 2009
Lily Necklace
January 21, 2009
Rings & Things

This is my favorite project, a Sweet Pea pendant from Mollie Valente. You can see more project ideas in the Rings & Things design gallery.
January 20, 2009
Bead Soup
January 17, 2009
Spring Picks

Wish I had this clasp in my hot little hands right now!
So if you had some unexpected bead money fall into your lap, what would you go with - the splurge, practical findings or stretch out that money with bargain deals?
January 14, 2009
Diamonds on the Souls of Her Shoes
A little Paul Simon during lunch today.
This is my favorite song of his and has inspired a necklace design that is in my sketchbook. It will have to wait until the book proposal is sent in, but I can dream about it here today!
My favorite line from the song is this:
"She makes the sign of a teaspoon,
He makes the sign of a wave"
And here they are, teaspoon and wave:
The spoon is a tiny salt spoon from Green Girl Studios and the wave button is from Mamacita Beadworks. Hmm, I wonder if that spoon could be bent into a clasp of sorts? I may to order a few and experiment.
January 13, 2009
Moving Along
Speaking of earrings, on the Art Bead Scene today I have a pair of Woodland Leaf earrings as a free $10 Tuesday Project.
Thanks for all the encouraging words and emails about my dragons. I wanted to share so that I wouldn't chicken out or talk myself out of submitting and also to hopefully encourage some of you to take the next step toward your dreams.
It was good to struggle this weekend, it led to quite a breakthrough today. I have my direction and core theme of the book, which is beyond exciting to me. I mean, after all it can't be a book on just some random jewelry designs. There has to be a thread that ties everything to together. That clicked for me today in a flash of inspiration and now I can hardly wait to get this sent out. Which I'm working really hard to have it ready to go by the end of the month. Hot dog!
January 10, 2009
Slaying Dragons

Self-doubt creeps in: is my work good enough, are these really original ideas, what is the focus of my book, does this even look like my work, do I really know what I'm doing, do I have enough different samples or is everything too earthy, do my designs really stand out above the crowd, what the heck am I going to title this book?
All really good questions and ones that I should be asking. One thing you have to do when you write a book proposal is convince the publisher why your book is better than the rest out there. So I am busy slaying dragons of self-doubt today. Forging ahead. Maybe some of these samples won't make the cut. But instead of freezing up it's time to push through and work harder on creating something that is unique, has my hand to it and that will inspire others to enjoy their own creativity. I can do that!
Whatever your dragon is today, I hope you find the courage to slay it.
January 9, 2009
Give me color!

Winter is getting to me. First the grey and snow of Michigan - the novelty wore off a little too quickly this year and now the brown on brown tone of dried out San Antonio. No one has green grass, the trees are bare and where are my beautiful Texas-size blue skies?
So I'm in serious need of a shot of color. I heard on the news yesterday that if you have the winter blues, bright light and surprisingly, bright colors will help improve your mood. I hope this post will add a little cheer to your day.
First, the photo above are pigments from a market in India. (photo credit: acdme) You can see more photos from the Indian Markets and my write up on Spring color trends on the Art Bead Scene.

I am one lucky girl. My dear Rosanne of Fabfibers is going to make me an Amy Butler bag using these fabrics. Yummy, right? (She has 6 weeks, no pressure.)

I must splurge soon on these shoes from Keen via Zappos. Perfect color of spicy orange, not too bright, but still orange. And won't they be practical for all my running around and sight-seeing on the Bead Cruise?

And speaking of making things, I finished 3 more samples for my book. I'm now at 14. I'd like to have at least 25. So I'm getting there! I have another one on the bead table that is waiting for assembly today. And a pile for designs that I have sketched out and await for my spare moments!
What do you look for in a bead book? New techniques? Designs to inspire? For me, a good bead book shows new tricks to add to my bag of jewelry-making techniques and inspires me to create something that is my own. I don't think I've ever copied a project directly from a book. What would you like to see in a book from me? This isn't a beadmaking book, I know there are quite a few that would love that, but I'm not ready for that adventure yet!
January 8, 2009
Finding Time
Tips for getting more done:
1. Your family needs to help with the cooking and cleaning.
2. Make a plan, it's really hard to accomplish something if it's a vague idea.
3. Let go, you won't do everything perfectly.
4. Learn to say no to all sorts of requests. You have to make time for your dreams.
5. Give in to your muse, don't be a slave to your lists. If a brilliant idea jumps out at you, take some time to explore it.
Do you have any tips for getting everything done on your to-do list? I'd love to hear them!
(Picture above - I made those baby owls for a charm swap that Lynn Davis hosted this fall.)
January 7, 2009
2009 Awaits...
(Me & Tomie!)
Next in March, I had the best time of my life on the Bead Cruise. Loved every minute of that event. Great creative women to hang out with, pampered like a queen, a little adventure swimming with the sting rays. Perfect working vacation!

For 2009 I have 2 resolutions. Take better care of myself and spend more time with my family and friends. Pretty simple, but things my workaholic brain struggles to accomplish. You know, sleep, eat real food, go for walks, spend more time with my kids, go on dates with my husband, meet for coffee with friends, call friends back on the phone, girls-night out, etc. I forget to do such things.
I also have goals for 2009. This year is going to be the year of the books. I've been working feverishly on samples for a jewelry design book. I'm determined to get this out to a publisher by the end of the month. How long can one sit on an idea and not finish a task! I seem to be going for some kind of record.
I've decided to pull back from submitting to magazines for a few months. I have designs in quite a few this coming year, including BeadStyle, Stringing and Bead Trends. I could have had a book finished if I complied all those projects!
The other books for 2009 are children's books. It's my dream to create books that children and families will cherish. This is a hard field to get into, but one I have been working steadily towards for many years. I'm ready and I'm the only one holding me back.
So that's it. This is my life: beads, bead cruise, art bead scene, jewelry book, kids books. In there is the mix of family, friends and some quiet time for me. How do I do it all?
Ha, don't even look at the pile of laundry in the corner, the suitcases yet to be unpacked, my christmas tree still up or the q-tip (it was a new one, nothing gross I promise!) I found mysterious suspended in mid-air in the corner near my vanity. Closer inspection revealed a cobweb holding it up. Hee, let's not mention that one again.
January 6, 2009
Van Gogh's Irises
The Art Bead Scene's new challenge is Van Gogh's famous iris painting, so this is my take on it. It's my hope to create some Iris inspired beads before the end of the month, but we'll see if that hope becomes reality.
For this necklace I started with 5 of my disk beads in purple. I paired them up with glass purple and jonquil, crystals in olive green, a green coin pearl, brass chain, a Vintaj leaf and clasp along with a hearty helping of filigree bead caps. The two glass rings were a gift from Rosanne. I wish I could remember the artist's name.
January 5, 2009
Home Again