It's been a rough week or so. Jess was in a car crash, which has thrown quite a wrench into our day to day life. He is fine, thank goodness. Our car didn't fair so well. My mood has faired even worse.
My mom was here for a little over a week. I'm afraid I was terrible company. (If I apologize again, she'll pinch me though the keyboard, so I won't say I'm sorry. But I do feel bad.)
I feel a little like I've crashed. Just filling orders as quickly as I can, but not much else creative is going on. I've been enjoying reading the Twilight series. Oh, thank goodness for guilty pleasures.
Just wanted to say that I'm here and will be back to blogging soon.
So sorry to hear about the car wreck! I know how rough that can be to deal with - at least the only thing really hurt was the car - that's always good news!!
I hope things continue to get better for you - the Twilight bead is very pretty :o)
I'm glad Jess didn't get hurt.
I'd been wondering what was going on. I got (still get) lost n the Twilight series...lol! Geary thinks I'm nuts, but I've read the books three times and watched the movie four...how much Twilight is too much?...I'm just wondering.
Wait I can answer that question, I can almost repeat the lines word for word, that's too much!
Hang in there Heather!! It can only get better from here on, right!??
CHIN UP! Keep a smile on that pretty face of yours. You'll get through it!
Gosh, Heather how stressful...I wish you some peace and ease soon.
I'm glad to hear your hubby is okay! We've missed you and look forward to your blogging return...
What stress! Thankfully everyone is in good condition. A little thought of peacefulness is coming your way.
Oh my I fell out of my chair!! Trying to get that pinch in through the keyboard!!! I so loved spending the week with you and the family. I know you had a lot on your mind. Sharing time was most important to me. I brought home special memories of the time I got to spend with the whole family. Eating supper together as a family. Tucking the girls in at night. Hearing their stories about school at the end of the day. Watching Twilight.
Cricket was sad tonight without his girls and so was I!!
So sorry to hear this. Glad everyone is okay, though. Things will get better soon. Looking forward to seeing what you are creating next! I haven't read or seen Twilight. You've prompted me to look into it!
out visiting for new friends..
so glad we popped in for a visit
mona & the girls
So glad Jess is okay. Hang in there.
So sorry to hear that! Deep breaths! Cups of tea!
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that! It is difficult to pick up the pieces after something like that and remember how to get on any kind of normal track! Don't worry, time is a funny thing, before you know it you will be back and better than ever. It's a proven fact, history says so! Isn't that great! In the mean time, you have the right idea, indulge in anything that makes you happy. Once you find happy again, the rest will work out. Take care!! Lisa c.
::HUG:: - virtual hug, Heather, I have you and yours in my thoughts.
Finally set time aside to dig into your blog...only to find the most recent post about the crash! So sorry! Hope you life is getting back to normal for you and your family.
Reading back through previous posts now, gleaning and learning so much. Thanks for sharing your creative journey.
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