Or at least to a place that is as hot as h-e-double hockey sticks. I don't even watch for the weather anymore, I know it's going to be 100 degrees. From what seems the time we get up until bedtime. My poor lawn, brown she be. We are counting down the days until our trip home to Michigan where it's green and lush and I hear in the 80s!!! (That photo is actually from Hell, Grand Cayman. A real place and guess what? They sell ice cold bottled water in Hell, who knew.)

I have new beads to show, unfortunately I also have a pile of orders to get out the door. So new work will be up on Monday. I'm off to finish beads and package orders. I'm trying to beat the clock today so we can all run off to the pool. Want to see what goes into making my
William Morris beads? I blogged about the
Anatomy of a Bead on my polymer clay blog.
Have a great weekend!
All of your new beads (LOVE the birds!) are just spectacular. I pulled out my little stash of your the other day and just played with them.
Hey! I've been to H--l and back again myself. Its a cooler 78 today and low humidity...better hurry and get here before it warms up again. What are you gonna do for three weeks if you aren't making beads? HMMM...I have clay and an oven, but then the beach is more inviting. I'm thinking hotdogs in Stanley Johnson park.
Auntie R
Hey! I've been to H--l and back again myself with my family!! That was fun to say knowing we were all there together at Grand Cayman.
The William Morris beads have got to be my favorite. I can't wait to see you in Michigan!!!
Hi Heather, Is that where you are from Hell. I live in Hillsdale but grew up in Livonia and went to Pinckney often. What do you do when you are here in Mich? Just take a deserving rest I hope. You'll love the weather this year all next week it is not suppose to be any hotter than the upper 70"s. I hope you have a great trip.
I wish I could come apprentice with you. I love your beads, I really need to start trying canes again. But not in summer in San Antonio, ben there done that. I can take 110 but hate the humidity. (I don't know why I think you live there, if I am wrong please forgive me.)
We are finally getting the beginning our monsoon rains in NM. We had a gully washer last night first real rain in over 6 months. Man I was glad to see it!
Thanks Gaea, I have one of your hearts that made it's way into a bracelet today!
rosanne, what will i do? hangout at the beach, play with my kids, draw and i'm thinking, just thinking of teaching a class while I'm there.
Hi Craftylinda! I'm actually from South Haven, Michigan where I'm looking forward to spending two whole weeks! I've never been to Hell, MI.
whitehot -yep, I live in SA. We've had 4" of rain for the whole year, I can relate! Thank god for air conditioning. :)
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