This week I'm running a contest. It's very simple, mention me in your blog this week. It could be about a post I've made here, like one of my free projects or about a humblebead from either my
Humblebeads website or
etsy shop. It could be a bead you've purchased or one you have your eye on! Come back here to put your link in the comments. On Friday I'll choose a winner by random. Don't have a blog? Well then just leave a comment here and that will be your entry. (But make sure to check back on Friday to see if you've won!)

The prize is over $50 worth of art beads in my William Morris' Garden pattern.
Hi Heather,
I don't have a blog, but if I did, I would certainly mention you! I'm anxiously waiting for my birds and already have so many ideas for them. Your beads are great!
No blog for me either. I do however enjoy your blog and read it daily. Your work is just beautiful and very inspirational! Thanks for sharing it.
Hey! I do have a blog and have mentioned you there. I love your work. It is absolutely beautiful and I would love to take a class from you some day. Best to you, Frivolitea.
Heather, you have been blogged about & linked by White Iris Designs!! We love your beads!! Read about you, flowers,jewelry & other girly things at whiteirisdesigns.blogspot.com
oh if I had a blog the things I'd say!! well mostly I just read everyone elses but hey that's the idea right?!? Beautiful beads as always, I wear my creations often and blab away about you and etsy and all the other fabulous artist I've have discovered there. So with that I toss my hat in the ring for these beauties, what talent, what generosity!
Heather, I love your keishi pearls, and added something in my blog about them. Cornflake pearls, what a cool name for pearls. I've been dyeing costume pearls, and I see you have these neat colors and shaped pearls on your Etsy shop!
Hi Heather! I blogged all about you today -
pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me!
thanks for being so GENEROUS!
If I had a blog I would most certainly sing the praises of your beads/jewelry. Your approach to design is gentle and inspiring. I particularly like your choice of our Canadian group" The Be Good Tanyas " for the sountrack on your blog....very fitting,it captures your spirit very aptly...
Did you know Humblebeads have been seen in New Orleans?
Beauty, which is what is meant by art, using the word in its widest sense, is, I contend, no mere accident to human life, which people can take or leave as they choose, but a positive necessity of life. - William Morris, The Beauty of Life, 1880
Well beauty and art sure describes Humble Beads. Heather you are a great talent (runs in the family) thanks for being so generous.
Here is my blog post:
Hi Heather ~ I dont have a blog , but your beads are simply wonderful .I wear my 'Starry Nites' all the time and people I meet now know about you and HumbleBeads in the UK.Thankyou for sharing your talent, you designs are heaven scent Kate
You have such lovely beads! I love them!!! Your blog is awesome! I've blogged about you HERE. Thanks!
Hi Heather,
I am sorry I missed this great contest. I just popped over since I wanted to give a link to you in my newsletter. Your beads are fab.
I'll be linking to you in my blog next week talking about ABS.
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